Shiv Sena attacks multiplex screening 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Paush Krushna Chaturdashi
Participate in online drive to boycott ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and reject it from Oscar nomination and race. Click here
Click Here to See protest letter by Proud Hindu
Click Here to see detailed news
O Hindus, Register your protest to Censor Board against 'Slumdog Millinaire' :-
Address: Central Board of Film Certification, Bharatbhuvan, 91E, Walkeshwar Road, Mumbai 6.
Phone: (022) 2369 9255, 2362 5770
Fax: (022) 2369 0083
Email: aocbfcmum@rediffmail.comA Thought by HJS reader
I feel every bit as strongly as you all do. But let us not underestimate the power of letters written to Oscar committee head Mr. Sid Ganis (, head of Writers Guild Patric Verrone ( and head of Directors' Guild Michael Apted ( If a steady stream of letters from proud and dignified Hindus reaches the desks of these people, it will make them stop and think.
Anil Kappor's e-mail ID & website for protest:
e mail-
HJS activists protestinf against 'Slumdog Millionarie'
- Shiv Sena activists attack Goa multiplex screening 'Slumdog…' (24 Jan 08)
- Censor board opposes to ban 'Slumdog Millionaire' (22 Jan 08)
- HJS strongly opposes the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire' (21 Jan 08)
- HJS ask Censor to ban 'Slumdog Millionaire' (20 Jan 09)
- 'Slumdog Millionaire' shows God Rama in bad light (19 Jan 09)
Shiv Sena activists attack Goa multiplex screening 'Slumdog…'
January 24, 2008
Paush Krushna Chaturdashi
Panaji (Maharashtra): A group of Shiv Sena activists threw stones at and ransacked a multiplex cinema in Panaji Friday for screening internationally acclaimed film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’.
![]() Shiv Sena Goa Chief Shri Upendra Gaonkar being arrested while protesting |
The film, which has already won several Golden Globe awards and has been nominated in 10 Oscar categories, has been the target of Hindu right wing groups, who claim that the movie hurts Hindu sentiments.
The Panaji police arrested 12 activists, including Goa Shiv Sena unit chief Upendra Gaonkar, for the attack.
The police said the Shiv Sainiks have been booked for tearing posters and breaking the glass facade of the only multiplex in Panaji.
The Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has denounced the film. In a press note issued Thursday, its president Jayesh Thali while demanding a ban on the film said the portrayal of Lord Ram in the movie was objectionable.
Source: Sindhstory
Censor board opposes to ban 'Slumdog Millionaire'
January 22, 2008Paush Krushna Dwadashi
Shame on such a Film Censor board that disregard Hindu sentiments and show unwillingness to halt release of Movies that denigrate Hinduism!
Mumbai: The Hindu Janjagruti Samiti had filed a petition requesting the prevention of release of the new Movie ‘Slum Dog Millionaire’ since it openly denigrates revered Hindu Deity Lord SriRam and pokes fun at the rich Indian Culture. With regards to this petition there was a discussion between the senior members of the HJS and the Censor Board member Shri Vinay Azad. During this meeting Shri Azad mentioned that they cannot halt the release of the Film shows since they had already given it a ‘go ahead’ earlier.
(Would the Censor Board have taken the same adamant and negative stance towards Muslims if they had come to the Censor Board with a similar request saying that a particular film or movie should not be shown since it hurts Muslim sentiments? It is a fact that there is a widespread disregard and ‘taken for granted’ attitude towards Hindu sentiments. How long will the situation remain so? - Editor)
The objection taken by HJS was due to the following scenes presented in the Movie. This entire movie (Slum Dog Millionaire ) portray Bharat wrongly as a country ridden with negative socio-cultural aspects such as Extreme Poverty, Continuous rioting, Prostitution etc., these scenes have been over exaggerated. The Movie also depicts a scene where during one of the Hindu-Muslim riots a small boy is portrayed dressed as Lord SriRam, and the hero of the Movie named ‘Jamal’ is shown as running away in great fear after having one look at the boy dressed as Lord SriRam. This scene is disrespectful towards Hindu deities and it has hurt Hindu religious sentiments. Needless to say, the scene also creates a wrong impression while depicting Hindus as torturing Muslims.
(This Movie portrays Bharat (India)to the entire world in a completely different, wrong and unrealistic perspective. By refusing to halt the release of such a film, it only compels one to come to the conclusion that the Film Censor Board of India harbors anti-Hinduism and anti-national views. We would also like to know what our dear national leaders and politicians are doing about halting the release of this Movie? - Editor)
Shri Azad responded, “The story of this film is entirely a figment of imagination. This is not an informative documentary film that shows all the different and various aspects of riots. Riots are portrayed in so many other Hindi Movies as well.
We do not see Lord SriRam being shown in a disrespectful manner, therefore The Censor Board has given an ‘A’ certificate (Only for Adult viewers) for the English version of this movie and a “U”/”A” Certificate (For age 12years and above with Parental guidance) for the Hindi version of the movie. Now since the Board has already passed the certificate we cannot do anything to halt the release of the movie into the mainstream public view”.
The HJS members then explained to Shri Azad how the scene of Lord SriRam was entirely in the wrong in a spiritual perspective as per the Science of Spirituality. Following that Shri Azad called for a meeting of the Censor Board with the HJS members to discuss the topic, but promptly clarified that it is not in the hands of the Censor Board to halt the release of the movie but the HJS can take the matter further to the National Information and Broadcasting Ministry or only the Higher Court Orders can halt release of this movie.
The HJS panel included senior member Shri Shivaji Vatkar. In Karnataka, The Chief of the Samiti, Mrs Purnima Prabhu and Shri Mohan Gouda also filed a protest petition with the ‘Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce’ to halt release of this movie. Similarly the HJS is also filing protests from it’s website. Hindus with pride for their Dharma and Religion can file their protests at the following points:
Address: Central Board of Film Certification, Bharat Bhuvan, 91 E, Walkeshwar Road, Mumbai 6.
Phone (022) 2369 9255, 2362 5770
Fax: (022) 2369 0083
HJS strongly opposes the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'
January 21, 2008By Staff Reporter
Panaji (Goa): 'Slum Dog Millionaire', an award winning picture at the international level, has shown Lord Rama and the Indian culture in poor light, thus hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus. This picture is being released in India, also in Goa on 23rd Jan 2009. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) has strongly opposed this movie. HJS' delegation will meet the government and other concerned authorities tomorrow and will demand not to screen this movie in Goa.
This movie denigrates Lord Rama through a game show. A question asked in this game show takes the character Jamal into back flash. The question is, 'What is Lord Rama holding in his right hand?' This question reminds Jamal of the riots that had occurred during his childhood. The film shows that Hindus attack a Muslim area saying, 'They're Muslims, get them!' Jamal's mother is killed by a Hindu after being hit by a rod on the head. Jamal and his brother Salim run away after seeing their mother killed. While running they reach a street where they see a child dressed like God Rama. Jamal watches him carefully, sees a bow in his right hand and thinking that he will be killed by this child dressed as Lord Ram runs away in a different direction. This child looks horrible. Facial expressions and the pose taken by this child dressed like God Rama is denigrating and hurts the religious sentiments of Hindus.
It is important to note that in 1992, there were gruesome riots all over India and serial blasts in Mumbai post Babri demolition. The Babri demolition was done to get back Ayodhya Temple, the birth place of God Rama. This background has been used by the producers of this movie to answer this question. Also this question is carefully chosen. The message that emerges from whole scene is that God Rama holds a bow in the right hand to kill people. It is very clear that the producer wants to create a malicious impression about Hindu Gods and culture. This movie has been criticised and protested by Shri. Amitabh Bachchan and various proud Indians and Hindus.
In view of this, HJS' delegation meets Central Board of Film Certification officials in Mumbai yesterday and demanded not to grant permission to such a controversial movie at least in India as it strongly believes that it will hurt the religious sentiments of millions of Indians and malign the image of Hindu deities and religion.
HJS ask Censor to ban 'Slumdog Millionaire'
Protest Letter
Date: 20th January 2009
Kind Attn – The Chairperson
Central Board of Film Certification
Bharat Bhutan, 91 - E,
Waukesha Road,
Mumbai - 4000006
Ph.No. 91 -22- 23625770
Fax. No. 91 -22 -23625770
Email -
Fox Searchlight Pictures
10201 Pico Blvd - Kind Attn. The President- Peter Rice
Los Angeles CA 90035 US
Fax: +1 310-369-2359
Dear Sir,
Sub: Request for Not to grant permission to Movie “Slum Dog Millionaire” Depicting Lord Ram & Indinan culture in poor light
Hindu Janjagruti Samiti is registered NGO doing social, religious and National welfare work. Samiti has been formed by devoted Hindus doing voluntary charitable work. Samiti is active throught India and educating people about Dharma in scientific way, campaigning against malpractices done under religious practices and solving problems connected with National, Religious and social field.
We are surprised and shocked, as the movie Slum Dog Millionaire, which has been showing to packed houses in the West and being released in India 23rd Jan 2009 has shown Lord Rama and Indian culture in poor light hurting religious sentiments and may create communal disharmony hence needs to be banned.
There is a question asked in the game show of the movie 'In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in right Hand?' Jamal remembers riots happened in his childhood. The film shows that Hindus attacks Muslim area shouting 'They're Muslims, get them'. Jamal's mother was killed by a Hindu after she was hit by a rod on the head. Jamal and his brother Salim ran away after seeing their mother killed. While running they reach a street in which they see a child dressed like God Rama. Jamal watched him carefully and sees a bow in his right hand and thinking that he will be killed by the person dressed as Lord Ram, he went by a different route. This child looks horrible. Facial expressions and the pose taken by child dressed like God Rama is denigrating to the religious sentiments of Hindus.
It is important to note that in 1992, there were gruesome riots all over India and serial blasts in Mumbai post Babri demolition. The Babri demolition was done to get back Ayodhya Temple, the birth place of God Rama. This background was used by producers to answer this question. Also this question is carefully chosen. The message that emerges from whole scene is that God Rama holds bow and arrow in right hand to kill people. It is very clear that producer wants to create bad impression about Hindu Gods and culture.
For your information this movie has been criticised and protested by Shri.Amitabh Bachchan and various proud Indians and Hindus.
In view of above we here by request your honour, not to grant permission to such controversial movie at least in India as we strongly believe that it will hurt relation and religious sentiments of millions of Indians. We therefore request you to take the note of this and record our protest in the matter.
Please acknowledge receipt. Trust you will inform us the action being taken in the matter and oblige.
Thanking You,
Yours Truly,
For Hindu Janajagruti Samiti.
Shivaji Vatkar
'Slumdog Millionaire' shows God Rama in bad light
January 19, 2009
Dear HJS,
I happened to watch an award winner movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'. It tells the story of a young man named Jamal Malik from the slums of Mumbai who appears on a game show. The story is about how he got answers those made him millionaire. This film has won number of awards, including four Golden Globe Awards.
![]() God Rama in the scene of movie 'Slumdog Millionaire' |
There is a question asked in the game show. 'In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in right Hand?' Jamal remembers riots happened in his childhood. The film shows that Hindus attacks Muslim area shouting 'They're Muslims, get them' and starts hitting Muslims and Muslims were running away. Jamal's mother was killed by a Hindu by hitting a rod on forehead. Jamal and his brother Salim ran away. While running they reach in one galli. They see a child dressed like God Rama, Jamal watched him carefully and sees bow in his right hand and then they changed the route. This child looks horrible. Facial expressions and the pose taken by child dressed like God Rama is very skeptical at that situation.
It is important to note that in 1992, Muslims done gruesome riots all over India and serial blasts in Mumbai post Babri demolition. The Babri demolition was done to get back Ayodhya Temple, the birth place of God Rama. This background was used by producers to answer this question. Also this question is carefully chosen. The message that emerges from whole scene is, God Rama holds bow and arrow in right hand to kill people. It is very clear that producer wants to create bad impression about Hindu Gods and culture.
The film is shown across the world and has done good business. But no Hindu viewer has boldly voiced their opinion against this prejudiced scene. Will this producer ever dare to picture similar scene replacing God Rama with Prophet or Jesus?
This movie also included a scene that compares India and America showing India is country of thieves and America is land of humanity.
Hindus are silent and tolerant in nature. Now they have become ignorant also. Defamation of our beloved Gods does not give a pinch to their heart. They have become like dead. Let us voice our opinion. We can win God Rama's grace by voicing our protest and forcing people to stop this defamation.
Fox Searchlight Pictures10201 Pico Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90035 US
Phone: 310-369-2431
Details of Film (Ref:
Directed by | Danny Boyle Loveleen Tandan (co-director) |
Produced by | Christian Colson |
Written by | Simon Beaufoy Vikas Swarup (novel) |
Yours truly,
A HJS Reader
Protest letter by Proud Hindu to Censor Board
Dear Chairman and members of Indian (Hindustan) Censor Board,
The patience of the majority Hindus will be put in test again by screening the movie called Slumdog Millionire, which is reliably learnt that their Maryada Purushttam Sri Rmachandra Moorthy is denigrated and shown as the cause behind the Hindu-Mohmedan riot. The movie also distorted the history by showing Hindus attacking Mohmedans whereas, it was Mohmedan hooligans who started riot and attacked Hindus engineered by the Smuggler and underworld don Dawwod Ibrahim, a traitor. Hindus had to retaliate but the movie shows as if Hindus were attacking Mohmedans. This deliberate attempt to show Hindus in poor light in their own land can never be permitted. Kindly see that the movie is NOT screened anywhere in India that is HINDUSTAN.
Kindly avoid another law and order problem by disallowing this movie to be shown.
Yours truly,
(An English-Tamil bilingual journalist and established Tamil author from Chennai)
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Know how Hindu Dharma is being targetted by Hindu-Haters Non Hindus and so-called Hindus!
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