This is blog of Dr Jayanti Bhadesia about religious, patriotic, inspiring and human heart touching things to share with friends
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Exclusive: over 60 per cent of Britain's Muslim schools have extremist
Exclusive: over 60 per cent of Britain's Muslim schools have extremist
links, says draft report
Damian Thompson
Dec 17, 2008
Britain's Muslim schools have been sharply criticised in a controversial
draft report commissioned by a leading think tank which suggests that
over 60 per cent of them are linked to potentially dangerous Islamic
An early version of the report, entitled When Worlds Collide, alleges
that of the 133 Muslim primary and secondary schools it surveyed, 82
(61.6 per cent) have connections or direct affiliations to
fundamentalists. The 133 schools are in the private sector but
supposedly subject to Ofsted inspection.
The report also claims that some of these schools teach "repugnant"
beliefs about the wickedness of Western society and Jews.
The claims in the report, written by Denis MacEoin in response to a
commission from Civitas, will provoke ritual cries of "Islamophobia"
from the Muslim Council of Britain and fellow travellers such as Koran
Armstrong. MacEoin has been careful to back up his claims with
evidence - in particular, screen captures of links to Islamic
hate-mongers, including supporters of Al-Qaeda.
Civitas, however, is not prepared to endorse MacEoin's 61.6 per cent
figure, which will not appear in the published version of When Worlds
Collide. A spokesman for Civitas explains: "We want to concentrate on
claims that are absolutely robust, rather than complicated material,
some of it in Arabic, that might unjustly damage someone's reputation."
Perhaps the most alarming finding of the draft I've seen is that so many
of these schools (including ones with no connections to political
extremism) are bricking up their pupils behind a wall of Koranic
injunctions and Sharia law.
The schools known as Darul Ulooms, which base their curriculum on a
seventeenth-century Indian teaching system, include very few secular
subjects, claims the report. It says: "Their aim is not to prepare
pupils for life in the wider world, but to give them the tools for a
more limited existence inside the Muslim enclaves."
The consequences for bright Muslim British girls are absolutely dire.
Lively intellects are being destroyed and brilliant careers cut off
before they can begin. To quote the report again: "Every year, an
incalculable number of Muslim teenagers and young women are lost to the
wider world that informs their citizenship."
The numbers are increasing fast, and there is confusion over how many
schools exist. The growth of non-Muslim schools, says MacEoin, is
"hugely overshadowed by a rapidly growing sector of Muslim institutions.
These now number 127 [sic] full-time schools and an estimated 700
part-time madrassas for intense religious instruction [and that doesn't
include the Darul Uloom seminaries] . Many recreate in the UK the style
and content of schooling that can be found in Pakistan, Bangladesh and
India." Great.
And all this is happening with the implicit consent of the Government,
Ofsted - and Christian leaders, who bang on about the threat to "faith
schools" (and, in the case of R. Williams, the virtues of Sharia) while
shielding their eyes from the evidence that many Muslim faith schools
are poisonously anti-Christian.
I've seen many of the extremely damaging screen grabs on which MacEoin
bases his claims. Memo to the Muslim Council of Britain: start lining up
irate spokesmen now.
Don't forget, don't forgive
A Surya Prakash
Of late, Mr Pranab Mukherjee has been adopting a tone and tenor worthy of the Foreign Minister of a great nation like India while dealing with a rogue state like Pakistan, which has made sponsorship of terrorism a key instrument of state policy. But if Mr Mukherjee is to take these threats to their logical conclusion and make our country terrorism-proof, he and the Union Government need to get an unambiguous signal from across the country that India will neither forget nor forgive Mumbai 26/11.
This can happen only if we shake off the tentativeness and confusion that has permeated national discourse in regard to Pakistan, and come face to face with reality. Though Pakistan was created on the premise that Muslims constitute a separate nation, it broke up into two within a quarter century of its birth and most South Asian experts predict a further disintegration of that country. Second, unlike India, which has become a vibrant democracy, Pakistan chose to become an Islamic state and this had a major social and political impact. For example, on the social side, Pakistan has virtually extinguished its Hindu population. The Hindus, who constituted 25 per cent of Pakistan's population at the time of its birth, are now reduced to just 1.64 per cent. On the political front, the absence of democracy has encouraged the Army to often take control and to display belligerence towards India to retain its hold on the Government.
Often, even when there is a civilian Government, the Pakistani Army has resorted to unilateral military action. It made the first attempt to grab Indian territory when it sent in infiltrators into Jammu & Kashmir in October 1947. Instead of following the advice of top class military men like Field Marshal Cariappa and Gen Thimmiah, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru foolishly rushed to the United Nations complaining about Pakistan's aggression. The UN promptly ordered a cease fire and India lost 30,000 square miles of territory to Pakistan.
Indians soon forgot what Pakistan had done. Worse, they even forgave Pakistan for this act of aggression. This suicidal Indian trait tempted Pakistan to do an encore in August 1965. The Indian Army pushed back the infiltrators and captured strategic positions in Haji Pir and Tithwal areas to effectively prevent further incursions. This clash resulted in a war, which concluded after the UN called for a cease fire. As the hostilities ended, Pakistan's Foreign Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto swore in the Security Council that Pakistan would launch a 'thousand-year war' against India. When the Indian delegation walked out in protest, Bhutto said, "The Indian dogs are going home."
This may seem incredible, but soon after Mr Bhutto showered these abuses on us, we bartered away the key territorial acquisitions at the negotiating table at Tashkent. This encouraged Pakistan to attack India yet again in 1971 when the latter objected to the brutality unleashed by the Pakistani Army in what is now Bangladesh, leading to the influx of 20 million refugees into our country. This led to a full-scale war in which the Pakistani Army was disgraced. India captured 93,000 Prisoners of War and 5,000 square miles of territory.
But all this was returned to Pakistan by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during the Simla Summit without reclaiming even a part of the 30,000 square miles of territory that we lost in 1947. Everything was given back on a platter to Mr Bhutto, who by now had become Pakistan's Prime Minister. Why? Because we did not want to 'humiliate' this uncouth politician who had classified us as 'dogs'! We would never have suffered the embarrassment of 26/11 if only we were in the habit of reminding ourselves and every successive generation of Indians of Mr Bhutto's abuses and bravado.
Strangely, even those who appeared wise when they sat in the Opposition benches have made terrible compromises on national security. The prize for the best somersault by an Indian politician vis-à-vis Pakistan goes to Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He had opposed the policy of appeasement followed by the Governments of the day after the 1965 and 1971 wars and scoffed at then Foreign Minister Swaran Singh for saying that the Simla Accord was the 'first step' towards durable peace.
Speaking in the Lok Sabha on July 31, 1972, Mr Vajpayee had said: "In the last 25 years, we have always been taking the first step. We took the first step when Nehru met Liaquat Ali Khan, then yet again when Nehru met Ayub Khan. We again took the first step when Shastri met Ayub Khan at Tashkent. And now, again at Simla we are taking the first step. How many times do we keep taking the 'first step' towards durable peace with Pakistan?"
Twenty-seven years later, Mr Vajpayee became the Prime Minister. It was now his turn to forget and forgive. Succumbing to pressure, Mr Vajpayee started speaking the language of Swaran Singh. So he ventured on an ill-advised bus ride to Lahore that culminated in that spurious bear hug with Mr Nawaz Sharif. Pakistan returned the compliment by invading Kargil. We lost hundreds of brave soldiers while reclaiming our territory. Soon thereafter, Mr Vajpayee was again under pressure and he invited Gen Musharraf to Agra for an ill-fated summit. Pakistan gave us a return gift by way of the assault on our Parliament House on December 13, 2001. In a short span of three years, Pakistan betrayed Mr Vajpayee thrice.
Now that the Congress is back in power and is, as usual, under the influence of many resident non-Indians, those of us who wish to secure India for posterity need to remind the Government of the following: If we had not forgotten the loss of 30,000 square miles of territory in October 1947, August 1965 would not have happened; if we had been firm and unyielding in 1965, Pakistan would not have had the courage to wage war on us in 1971; if we had driven in the knife in 1971, when we had 93,000 Pakistani Prisoners of War and territory, Pakistan would never have had the nerve to intrude into Kargil in 1999; if we had not forgotten Kargil, December 13, 2001 would not have happened; if we had not forgiven Pakistan for the audacious attack on our Parliament House, India would not have suffered the humiliation it did on 26/11.
The terror attacks in Mumbai offers us yet another opportunity to get our act together to protect our unity and territorial integrity. But we cannot achieve this unless we shun the policy of forget and forgive when it comes to Pakistan.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Extract of a letter to the Editor – in Janmabhoomi edition from Mumbai
Jambuvan Cave- Ranavav

Information about Cave

Barado Hill

Bhagvad Dhvaj

Monday, December 29, 2008
Asking UNESCO to designate Setusamudram as World Heritage Site
See also: http://newstodaynet
Asking UNESCO to designate Setusamudram as World Heritage Site
December 25, 2008
We are happy to report that some 200 ecologists, academics, scientists and religious leaders from around the world met on 25 and 26 November at the Linnean Society in London and sought to provide enough multi-disciplinary evidence to persuade the governments of India and Sri Lanka to ask UNESCO to designate the Gulf of Mannar a World Heritage Site.
We are delighted to inform you that the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) made the dramatic announcement at the London meeting that it would be seeking to have the Gulf of Mannar designated as one of the world's first internationally recognized 'Sacred Sites.'
Martin Palmer, Secretary General of ARC and religion and ecology advisor made the announcement of nomination for Sacred Site status to His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Martin Palmer said, "Cosmologically and ecologically theGulf of Mannar is about as sacred a site as you couldget. Our suggestion is that it should be nominated asone of the very first internationally significant sacredsites, along with places such as the sacred mountains of China and other such hugely holy and ecologically significant places. I have every confidence the nomination will succeed."
Following agreements reached at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona last October, 'Sacred Site' is a now an international term of protection for sites that are spiritually, religiously, culturally and ecologically important. IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, is world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 Government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries - it helps find pragmatic solutions to pressing environment and development challenges. We, at Living Planet Foundation and the Gulf of Mannar World Heritage Site Campaign are delighted with this nomination, which is a historic first and boosts our Campaign with new energy and new momentum! We believe that the Sacred Site nomination by ARC can only advance the cause for which we have been campaigning for the past 4 years – protecting the Gulf of Mannar and those whose lives are threatened by the Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project.
Following the London meeting, on November 29, our delegate from Bali, Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Arya Wedakarna, Prince of Dalem Benculuh Tegeh Kori, personally handed the Resolution to Mrs. Pratibha Patil, India's President who was on an official visit to Bali.
The Resolution has also been delivered to Dr. R. K. Pachauri, head of the Committee of Experts appointed by the Government of India. That the London meeting was such a huge success was largely due to the pains-taking efforts put in by a number of people from the organizations involved, particularly by all the team members that traveled from various parts of the world to take part in the meeting. It also made a great difference that the ARC, Rainforest Concern, The Foundation for International
Environmental Law and Development (FIELD), Romulus Whitaker and the UK office of ICOMOS made detailed and focused presentations at the meeting. It would only be appropriate here to thank all of them.
On behalf of Living Planet Foundation and the Gulf of Mannar World Heritage Site Campaign team, I would like to thank everyone whose support helped us reach an important milestone. While preparing for the London meeting this year and traveling to various cities across
the U.S and Europe, I was similarly inspired by the passion and generosity of so many concerned people. In that spirit, I hope you'll continue to support the Gulf of Mannar World Heritage Site Campaign. Contribution of any size makes a very real difference.
Our campaign is not over, yet it is not endless. We do not know the day of final victory, but with the nomination from ARC, we have seen the turning of the tide. Now, we need your continued support if the Gulf of Mannar - and perhaps the planet - is to survive and thrive.
From my family and my Campaign team to yours, we hope you have a happy, healthy holiday season.
All the best for 2009,
Kusum Vyas
President, Living Planet Foundation
Founder, Gulf of Mannar World Heritage Site Campaign
Sacred Site nomination boosts campaign to save Gulf of Mannar
Friday, 12.05.2008, 07:31am (GMT-7)
NEW YORK: At the first international meeting of the campaign to protect the Gulf of Mannar, held at the Linnean Society in London recently, the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC) made the dramatic announcement that it would be seeking to have the Gulf of Mannar designated as one of the world's first internationally recognized 'Sacred Sites.' Following agreements reached at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona last month, 'Sacred Site' is a now an international term of protection for sites that are spiritually, religiously, culturally and ecologically important.
In the fight to save the Gulf of Mannar from destruction by the creation of a deep shipping channel, the move could prove to be a strategically important one. Flowing between South-East India and Sri Lanka, the Gulf of Mannar is home to Ram Sethu, or Adam's Bridge, a site of immense spiritual significance to both Hindus and Muslims worldwide.
Situated in South-Asia's largest biosphere reserve, it is also one of the last remaining biological hotspots on the planet, offering sanctuary to numerous endangered plant and animal species such as the dugong and the green turtle. However, despite the clear cultural, natural and spiritual importance of the area, and in the face of an on-going challenge in the Supreme Court of India, the Indian government is pressing ahead with dredging for the planned Sethusamudram Ship Channel, risking destruction of the sacred bridge and the fragile eco-system of the area.
The announcement of nomination for Sacred Site status was made by Martin Palmer, Secretary General of ARC, and religion and ecology advisor to His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. "The Gulf of Mannar has enormous spiritual significance within both Hinduism and Islam," he said during his announcement. "Narratives in the Hindu Ramayana, which feature Ram Sethu, and the Muslim story of Adam being thrown out of Paradise and falling into what we now know as Sri Lanka, then walking across Adam's Bridge to become the vice-regent of God ruling the world, make the Gulf of Mannar the one place in the world - other than the Garden of Eden - where we could actually say 'this is a sacred site about our relationship with and our responsibility for the rest of creation.'
Cosmologically and ecologically the Gulf of Mannar is about as sacred a site as you could get. Our suggestion is that it should be nominated as one of the very first internationally significant sacred sites, along with places such as the sacred mountains of China and other such hugely holy and ecologically significant places. I have every confidence the nomination will succeed." Organizers of the campaign to protect the Gulf of Mannar have been quick to welcome the news. "Mr Palmer's announcement was dramatic and unexpected," says Kusum Vyas, founder of The Living Planet Foundation, based in Houston, Texas, which organized the London meeting.
"The meeting erupted into applause when he made the announcement - it was so thrilling. To get the Gulf of Mannar recognised on the international conservation stage will be a huge step forward in preserving its sanctity and ecology for future generations. We can't thank ARC enough." Asked to reflect on the current battle to preserve the Gulf of Mannar, Palmer said: "It is a classic struggle - to use Christian terminology - between God and Mammon, between those who see the world as a stage upon which a drama of cosmological significance is played out in which every aspect of creation has significance and meaning because it is created from love, and those who simply see this planet as a rather large supermarket to be raided."
ARC is a secular foundation designed to work both with the major religions, encouraging them to look into their own traditions in order to increase their environmental activities, as well as with major environmental organizations to get them to take the role of religions seriously.
IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, is world's oldest and largest global environmental network - a democratic membership union with more than 1,000 government and NGO member organizations, and almost 11,000 volunteer scientists in more than 160 countries - it helps find pragmatic solutions to pressing environment and development challenges. The first international meeting of the campaign to protect the Gulf of Mannar was held at the Linnean Society in London last week and was organized by The Living Planet Foundation USA.
India Post News Service
Thackeray demands Kasab's public execution
Thackeray demands Kasab's public execution
Margashirsha Krushna Saptami
Pune (Maharashtra): In a hard-hitting editorial in Shiv Sena mouthpiece Saamna published yesterday, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray demanded the public execution of Mohammed Ajmal Kasab arrested in the recent Mumbai terror attacks.
Thackeray said that there was no need for Kasab to be put on trial as his involvement in the terror attacks is clearly visible. Kasab should be hanged publicly outside the Taj hotel and in front of the Gateway of India, he continued. Why should the alleged terrorist Kasab be given the opportunity of legal defense and present his side of the story, Thackeray asked in the editorial.
Lawyers here are of the view that if Kasab has to be hanged, then the legal procedures of the country have to be followed. "What evidences are being collected against Kasab and what investigations and talk of legal procedures are being talked about," Thackeray questioned.
"The entire world has seen the human massacre committed by Kasab and his colleagues. The terror acts committed by Kasab and other terrorists were captured on the television and still cameras. This is enough evidence, and does not warrant trial of the terrorists," Thackeray said.
The Sena chief warned lawyers that if they tried to represent Kasab in the courts, then the Sena workers would not spare them and teach them a lesson. Thackeray also blasted the state additional chief secretary, Chitkasala Zutshi, and the state director general of police, Anami Roy, saying that due to their inefficiency and negligence the terrorists had dared to attack Mumbai.
In Nagpur, the leader of the opposition and Sena legislator, Ramdas Kadam, echoed the words of his master. While speaking in the legislative assembly yesterday, he said: "Kasab should be publicly hanged at the Gateway of India and this public execution should be widely telecast."
Inquiry should be made as to what Zutshi was doing at midnight outside the Taj hotel when it was being attacked by the terrorists, he questioned. "The chief minister Deshmukh and deputy chief minister R.R. Patil have gone, now it is the turn to sack Zutshi, Roy, and Mumbai police commissioner Hassan Gafoor," Kadam said
Meanwhile, the All-India Milli Council yesterday supported Thackeray's demand to hang without trial Kasab, said a spokesman in Panaji.
Iqbal Mohideen, president of the All-India Milli Council (Goa), told reporters that Kasab's chilling crime should be judged through the Shariah (Islamic law). "The AIMC supports Bal Thackeray's demand. Even the Shariah says an eye for an eye, a limb for a limb and life for life," Mohideen said.
Source: arabnews.com
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
One more golden page in IMA Morbi

One more golden page in IMA Morbi after getting Dr.P.R.Trivedi foundation award for Best local Branch (2007-08) of IMA Gujarat State , We are happy to inform you that we got , "IMA BEST CME/SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME AWARD" for the year 2007-08 at national level by IMA HQ New Delhi.
This is very prestigious National Award of IMA Head Quarter New Delhi.
Dr.Bhavesh Devani Dr.Dinesh Patel
Hon.Sec. President
Vedic Mathematics means
Vedic Mathematics means

Indian civilization has surprised academicians time and again with simple age old techniques for solving complex problems. Vedic Mathematics, derived from the Ganita Sutra in the Vedas is one such technique.
Vedic Mathematics is the name given to the ancient system of Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 and 1918 by Sri Bharati Krsna Tirthaji (1884 - 1960).
In the beginning of the twentieth century, when there was a great interest in various Sanskrit texts in Europe, some scholars ridiculed certain texts which were titled GANITA SUTRA, which means mathematics. They could not decipher any mathematics in the translations and therefore dismissed the texts as rubbish. Bharati Krsna, who himself was a scholar of Sanskrit, Mathematics, History and Philosophy, studied these texts and after lengthy and careful investigation was able to reconstruct the mathematics of the Vedas.
Bharati Krishna wrote sixteen volumes expounding the Vedic system but these were unaccountably lost and when the loss was confirmed in his final years he wrote a single book - Vedic Mathematics. It was published in 1965, five years after his death.
According to his research all of mathematics is based on sixteen Sutras, or word - formulae. For example, ‘Vertically and Crosswise’ is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the appropriate method of solution.
Perhaps the most striking feature of the Vedic system is its coherence. Instead of a hotchpotch of unrelated techniques the whole system is beautifully interrelated and unified. The multiplication method, for example, is easily reversed to allow one-line divisions and the simple squaring method can be reversed to give one-line square roots. And all are very easy to understand. This unifying quality is very satisfying; it makes mathematics easy and enjoyable and encourages innovation.
In the Vedic system difficult problems or huge sums can often be solved immediately by the Vedic method. These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of a complete system of mathematics, which is far more systematic than the modern system. Vedic mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure of mathematics and the methods are complimentary, direct and easy.
The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that calculations can be carried out mentally (though the methods can be written down). There are many advantages in using a flexible, mental system. Pupils can invent their own methods; they are not limited to the one correct method. This leads to more creative, interested and interesting pupils.
Interest in the Vedic system is growing in education where mathematics teachers are looking for something better and finding Vedic system is the answer. Research is being carried out in many areas including the effects of learning Vedic Mathematics on children, developing new, powerful but easy applications of the Vedic Sutras in geometry, calculus, computing etc.
But the real beauty and effectiveness of Vedic Mathematics cannot be fully appreciated without actually practicing the system. One can then see that it is perhaps the most refined and efficient mathematical system possible.
Why do we need to combine Pure and Vedic Mathematics?
Schools all over the world utilize pure mathematics for their curriculum. Therefore an in-depth knowledge of pure mathematics is essential from the examination point of view. Unfortunately the mathematics that is taught is most schools and colleges lack flexibility and therefore become ‘boring’ to the students. On top of that many teachers lack the insight and knowledge required to teach the subject. Fixed methods are also used for all operations thereby making the process of calculation lengthy and tiresome.
The right combination of Vedic and pure mathematics ensures correct understanding, extreme flexibility and an in-depth knowledge of the subject, thereby making calculations extremely rapid and interesting. This combination can be utilized for simple addition and subtraction, and also for more difficult operations like calculus, and algebra. Many of these operations can be done mentally. Therefore this can be used for students of all ages and standards. There are also wonderful methods for checking the sums.
Utilizing this method, the student will become faster and more accurate in all-mathematical procedures.
Geopolitical diary: India's invisible war footing
India on Thursday placed a key paramilitary organization, the Border Security Force (BSF), on high alert. Though there have been vague reports that Indian military forces have been on high alert since the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai, the BSF move is the closest we have come to seeing actual Indian preparations for war. And frankly, it is not very close. The BSF, which currently has 45,000 personnel deployed along the 2,030-mile border with Pakistan and also guards the border with Bangladesh, would not be involved in any major combat operations with Pakistan; its mandate is to prevent infiltration, not to carry out attacks. Indeed, more than three weeks after the Mumbai attacks, there has been nothing even remotely resembling the military buildup that occurred in the wake of the 2001 attack on the Indian parliament, when New Delhi deployed 750,000 troops in Kashmir within a week. Until now, we have seen New Delhi threaten to take action, and we have seen it join hands with the United States in pressuring Pakistan to take action against the various actors involved in the attacks, but there has been nothing measurable that could be convincingly described as preparation for a war. Given this stark contrast between the two situations, conventional wisdom would suggest that the clouds of war that were hovering over South Asia might have passed. A recent flurry of statements from very senior Indian officials, saying that they are not planning an attack against Pakistan, might make the conventionally wise feel even more at ease. Stratfor has learned, however, that Indian military operations against targets in Pakistan have in fact been prepared and await the signal to go forward. These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administer ed Kashmir, along with special forces action on the ground in Pakistan proper. Unlike the massive troop movements in 2002, these are not the type of operations for which preparations would be visible to the world at large. Sources have indicated to Stratfor that New Delhi is going through the diplomatic motions in order to give Pakistan the opportunity to take care of the militant problem itself —- but the Indians know that Islamabad has neither the will nor the capability to address their concerns. From a strategic perspective, the Indian government can no more afford to accept the Mumbai attacks and move forward than the U.S. government could have afforded to ignore the 9/11 attacks. New Delhi has little choice but to respond -— regardless of which political party is in power -— and because the perpetrators are linked to elements within the Pakistani state, the response must be directed against Pakistan. And if Islamabad will not cooperate in controlling the militants, India will have to take unilateral action. The Indians know that striking in Pakistan would not eliminate the Islamist threat —- but that would not be the aim of any such operation. Instead, India has to communicate firmly that it will no longer tolerate attacks from Pakistan-based militants —- whether they are rogue or approved by the state. Failure to do so risks emboldening the Islamists and their enablers, as well as a domestic political backlash. The Indian government could not live with either of those outcomes. The Pakistanis, for their part, also are showing subtle signs that they see India as likely to act. Pakistani daily The News reported Thursday that former President Pervez Musharraf had been forced to leave the country after security forces unearthed an assassination plot against him. Reports like this do not simply appear in the Pakistani press; they are carefully leaked in efforts to shape perceptions and behavior. In this case, the Pakistani army's central command is signaling to the Indians that the situation has spun so far out of its control that the safety of its own VIPs cannot be guaranteed. The underlying message is that any Indian plans for striking Pakistan will further weaken the tenuous writ of the Pakistani state, exacerbating rather than neutralizing the militant threat to India. It is not a very strong argument, and certainly not one the Pakistanis would be making if they did not think an Indian military action was in the works —- but Islamabad does not have many options left. |
A little food for thought.
A little food for thought.
A man whose family was German aristocracy prior
to World War II owned a number of large industries
and estates. When asked how many German people
were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our
attitude toward fanaticism.
'Very few people were true Nazis' he said, 'but
many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more
were too busy to care. I was one of those who just
thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools.
So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen.
Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had
lost control, and the end of the world had come. My
family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration
camp and the Allies destroyed my factories.'
We are told again and again by 'experts' and
talking heads' that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the
vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace.
Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is
entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to
make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish
the spectre of fanatics rampaging across the globe in
the name of Islam.
The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment
in history. It is the fanatics who march.. It is the
fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars
worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically
slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout
Africa and are gradually taking over the entire
continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who
bomb, behead, murder, or honor kill. It is the
fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is
the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and
hanging of rape victims. The hard quantifiable fact
is that the 'peaceful majority', the 'silent majority',
is cowed and extraneous.
Communist Russia was comprised of Russians who
just wanted to live in peace, yet the Russian
Communists were responsible for the murder of
about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were
China 's huge population was peaceful as well, but
Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering
70 million people.
The average Japanese individual prior to World
War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan
murdered and slaughtered its way across South
East Asia in an orgy of killing that included the
systematic murder of 14 million Chinese civilians;
most killed by sword, shovel, and bayonet.
And, who can forget Rwanda , which collapsed
into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority
of Rwandans were 'peace loving'?
History lessons are often incredibly simple and
blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often
miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points:
Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant
by their silence.
Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if
they don't speak up, because like my friend from
Germany , they will awaken one day and find that
the fanatics own them, and the end of their world
will have begun.
Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese,
Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghanis, Iraqis,
Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and
many others have died because the peaceful majority
did not speak up until it was too late.
As for us who watch it all unfold; we must pay
attention to the only group that counts; the fanatics
who threaten our way of life.
Lastly, at the risk of offending, anyone who doubts
that the issue is serious and just deletes this email
without sending it on, is contributing to the
passiveness that allows the problems to expand.
So, extend yourself a bit and send this on and on
and on! Let us hope that thousands, world wide,
O.P.Sharma Former Governor
Saturday, December 20, 2008
food for thoughts
When people lose touch with Tao,
they start talking about
"righteousness" and "sanctity."
When people forget what's true,
they start talking about
"self-evident truths."
When people have no respect
for one another,
they start talking about
"political correctness"
and "family values."
When the nation is unstable,
people start talking about "patriotism
When a Master takes charge,
hardly anybody notices.
The next best leader
is obeyed out of love.
After that,
there's the leader obeyed out of fear.
The worst leader is one who is hated.
Trust and respect people.
That's how you earn
their trust and respect.
The Masters don't give orders;
they work with everybody else.
When the job's done,
people are amazed
at what they accomplished.
The ancient Masters
were damn impressive.
They were deep. Real deep.
Words can't even begin to describe
how deep they were.
You can only talk
about how they acted.
They were careful,
like a man walking on thin ice.
They were cautious,
like a soldier behind enemy lines.
They were polite,
like a guest at a party.
They moved quickly, like melting ice.
They were as plain as a block of wood.
Their minds were as wide as a valley,
and their hearts as clear
as spring water.
Can you wait
for that kind of openness and clarity
before you try to understand the world?
Can you hold still
until events have unfolded
before you do the right thing?
When you act without expectations,
you can accomplish great things.
Sight obscures.
Noise deafens.
Desire messes with your heart.
The world messes with your mind.
A Master watches the world
but keeps focused on what's real.
Winning can be just as bad as losing.
Confidence can mess you up
just as much as fear.
What does
"winning can be just as bad as losing" mean?
If you're down,
you might be able to get up.
But if you're up,
you can get knocked down real fast.
Don't worry about the score,
just do what you have to do.
What does
"confidence can mess you up
just as much as fear" mean?
Fear can keep you
from getting the job done,
but confidence
can get you in over your head.
Walk tall, but don't get cocky.
Know your limits,
and nothing can ever hold you back.
Deal with what you can.
The rest will follow.
If you drink too much, you get drunk.
The engine won't start
if you're always tinkering with it.
If you hoard wealth,
you fall into its clutches.
If you crave success,
you succumb to failure.
Do what you have to do,
then walk away.
Anything else will drive you nuts.
"Doing the right thing" is like water.
It's good for all living things, and flows without thinking
about where it's going
...just like Tao.
Keep your feet on the ground.
Remember what's important.
Be there when people need you.
Say what you mean.
Be prepared for anything.
Do whatever you can,
whenever it needs doing.
If you don't
compare yourself to others,
nobody can compare to you