Saturday, June 21, 2008

Global warming

Dear friends

I recently got an opportunity to watch a movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth' where in Mr. Al Gore explains through a ppt presentation, the dangers faced by planet earth due to the increased CO2 emission and resulting Global Warming. It was an absolute eye opener that he took the audience through the complete details of global warming. And he marks that in less than 50 yrs from now, the earth would face severe damage leaving lots of people homeless. The movie has premiered recently on HBO (thats when I saw it) and I want all of you too to watch it. If possible, take a DVD of your own and preserve it. Do inform whoever u can inform abt the message of the movie.

As temperatures rise, each of us is affected directly, whether it is because our summers are hotter and sweatier or we have more mosquitoes in our gardens. So what is global warming? Carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of the earth naturally by trapping solar heat, making it possible for life to survive on earth. However, deforestation and pollution is increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and temperatures are rising. This has caused a change in climatic patterns across the world.

Just google on the subject and you will get loads of information. What follows is nothing but some simple steps to reduce global warming..

While governments make policy decisions, we can all make an effort to fight global warming. It's simple, maybe we could turn our engines off at traffic signals, maybe we could reuse gift-wrapping paper – all we have to do is make responsible decisions and small adjustments in our lifestyles.


This is not just another plea by animal welfare activists. It is actually the biggest step that you can take as an individual to reduce the size of your carbon footprint. And there are scientific studies to prove it — the National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science in Tsukuba , Japan , found that producing one kg of beef leads to emission of greenhouse gases with a warming potential equivalent to 36.4 kg of carbon dioxide. That's more emissions than leaving the lights on at home and going for a three-hour drive. In November 2006, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation said the livestock sector generates 18 percent more carbon dioxide than the transport sector. And of course, eating sensibly means foodgrains reserved for livestock can reach people instead, helping the world hunger problem.


The simplest way to do this is by switching off lights, fans and gadgets. Don't even leave your computer or TV on standby. Use a liquid crystal flatscreen monitor for your computer or TV, it uses 1/4 of the power of a tube monitor, and is better for the eyes. Don't set your washing machine for a hot water wash — 90 percent of the energy used in operating a washing machine goes toward heating the water that washes and rinses the clothes. Use warm or cold water instead. If you can't switch to solar water heaters, get timers for your geysers. The same goes for your AC; set it in economy mode so that it switches off when the room cools to the required temperature. Don't set the thermostat of your refrigerator too high. Lowering the temperature even one degree makes a big difference. If it placed in a sunny spot, move it or cover the window. Cleaning the condenser coil regularly makes it run more efficiently. Buy energyefficient home appliances.


Switch off your computer when you're leaving your desk. Turn off unnecessary lights and gadgets. Carryyour own coffee mug to cut down on use of paper cups. Don't take unnecessary print-outs at the office — use the blank side of printed paper to take phone messages and write notes.


Buy locally grown food — if the food doesn't travel far, there are less emissions from the vehicles that transport it. Eat fruits and vegetables that are in season, which again cut down on transportation costs. Buy vegetables and fruits that are grown using organic fertilisers or without use of pesticides.


Cut down on use of plastics and paper. Carry your own bag when you go shopping. If you're getting food parcelled, take your own container. Avoid products that use a lot of packaging, especially plastic and moulded wrapping that cannot be recycled.


Separate waste that can be recycled from kitchen and organic waste. For instance, send plastics, paper, glass and metal for recycling, and kitchen waste can be used to fertilise your house plants.


Even if you live in an apartment, there are small flowering plants you grow on your balcony. Choose hardy, local species that require less water. Your local nursery should be able to help you. Not only do plants brighten up your home, they also help in recharging the atmosphere. Trees planted in and around urban areas and residences can provide much-needed shade in the summer, reducing energy bills. A single tree will absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime.


Use public transport. Walk. Cycle. Not only will it reduce emissions and pollution, it will keep you fit. If you're buying a car, choose one that gives you good mileage. Take the train instead of flying — it is 10 times more energy-efficient than plane travel, and you get to see the local scenery.


The simplest way to save water is to close taps and fix leaks. Use shower heads and flush tanks that use less water. Recycle water when possible, water from the kitchen can be used to water your plants.


Tell more people about global warming and its consequences. Explain that each of us can make a difference, that every decision we make can reduce emissions and help fight climate change. Try to win them over to a greener lifestyle.

Again reminding you all to watch 'An inconvenient truth'

By reading this article we can see that how we can serve the world just by our daily small activities,i. e. can serve the God in deed.

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