Thursday, December 11, 2014

ડૉ.આંબેડકર અને ટિળક પિતા-પુત્ર : સંબંધોના બે ધ્રુવ

સામાજિક સમરસતા ના મુદા ને સ્પર્સતો આ લેખ છે.

gujarati world

ડૉ.આંબેડકર અને ટિળક પિતા-પુત્ર : સંબંધોના બે ધ્રુવ

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:35 AM PST

લોકમાન્ય ટિળક મહાન દેશભક્ત છતાં જ્ઞાતિની બાબતમાં રૂઢિચુસ્ત હતા, જ્યારે તેમના સુધારક પુત્ર શ્રીધરપંતે ૩૨ વર્ષની વયે આપઘાત કરતાં પહેલાં, જીવનનો છેલ્લો પત્ર ડૉ.આંબેડકરને લખ્યો હતો.

સ્વરાજની લડતમાં સંકળાયેલા કેટલાક આગેવાનોના ઘરમાં 'દીવા તળે અંધારું' જેવા કિસ્સા બન્યા હતા. તેમાં સૌથી જાણીતો કિસ્સો ગાંધીજી અને હરિલાલનો. મોતીલાલ નેહરુના સમકાલીન, 'દેશબંઘુ'  ચિત્તરંજન દાસનો એકનો એક પુત્ર ભૂંડે હાલ મૃત્યુ પામ્યો હતો. એમ તો, ગાંધીયુગ પહેલાં ભારતના રાજકારણમાં જેમનો ડંકો વાગતો હતો, તે 'લોકમાન્ય' બાળગંગાધર ટિળકના એક પુત્રે પણ આત્મહત્યા કરી હતી.

પરંતુ બીજા કિસ્સા અને લોકમાન્ય ટિળક/ Lokmanya Tilakના પુત્ર શ્રીધરપંત / Shridhar Pant Tilak ના કિસ્સામાં પાયાનો ફરક હતો : શ્રીધરપંત તેમના રૂઢિચુસ્ત પિતાનો બ્રાહ્મણવાદી અભિગમ છોડીને, સમાજસુધારાના રસ્તે આગળ વઘ્યા, ડૉ.આંબેડકરના સંપર્કમાં આવ્યા અને તેમના સહયોગી બની રહ્યા. ૧૯૨૮માં અકાળે આત્મહત્યા કરતાં પહેલાં છેલ્લો પત્ર ડૉ.આંબેડકરને લખ્યો હતો.

ડૉ.આંબેડકરે જેમનામાંથી પ્રેરણા મેળવી એવા 'મહાત્મા પહેલાંના મહાત્મા' જોતિરાવ ફૂલે લોકમાન્ય ટિળકના સમકાલીન હતા. ટિળકનાં સાપ્તાહિકો 'મરાઠા' અને 'કેસરી' જોતિબાની જુસ્સાભરી સુધારક પ્રવૃત્તિઓની ટીકા કરવામાં કશી પાછી પાની કરતાં નહીં. છતાં, એક વાર કોલ્હાપુરના દીવાને ટિળકનાં બન્ને સાપ્તાહિકો સામે બદનક્ષીનો દાવો કર્યો, ત્યારે તે ટિળકના પક્ષે રહ્યા. એટલું જ નહીં, જોેતિબાના કહેવાથી તેમના એક સાથીદારે લોકમાન્ય ટિળક માટે જામીનગીરી આપી હતી.  અદાલતી કાર્યવાહી પછી ટિળક અને તેમના સાથીદાર અગરકરને ૧૦૧ દિવસની જેલ થઇ. ત્યાર પછી સજા ભોગવીને બહાર આવેલા ટિળક-અગરકરનું સ્વાગત કરવામાં પણ જોતિબા મોખરે હતા. છતાં, ટિળક-અગરકર-ચિપળૂણકર જેવા રૂઢિવાદીઓનું માનસપરિવર્તન થયું નહીં. ટિળક મહારાજની દેશભક્તિ અને અંગ્રેજો સામેની તેમની લડાયકવૃત્તિ પૂર્ણપણે આદરણીય હોવા છતાં, જ્ઞાતિભેદની બાબતમાં તેમનું વલણ ખેદ ઉપજાવે એવું હતું.

બાળગંગાધર 'લોકમાન્ય' તિલક / Lokmanya Tilak 

૧૯૨૦માં મૃત્યુ પામેલા ટિળકનો અંતકાળ જાહેર જીવનમાં ડૉ.આંબેડકરનો ઉદયકાળ હતો. તેમણે ૩૧ જાન્યુઆરી, ૧૯૨૦ના રોજ મરાઠી પાક્ષિક 'મૂકનાયક' શરૂ કર્યું અને તેની જાહેરખબર લોકમાન્ય ટિળકના 'કેસરી' છાપવા માટે મોકલી. એ વખતે ટિળક જીવીત હતા, પરંતુ 'કેસરી'માં ડૉ.આંબેડકરના 'મૂકનાયક'ની જાહેરાત ન છપાઇ. અલબત્ત, આ ઘટનાક્રમ અંગે થોડા મતાંતર છે. કેટલાક લખે છે કે 'કેસરી'એ મફત લખાણ છાપવાની ના પાડી હતી અને રૂપિયા લઇને જાહેરખબર છાપવાની તૈયારી બતાવી હતી.

ખુદ આંબેડકરે ૨૮ ઑક્ટોબર, ૧૯૫૪ના રોજ મુંબઇના પુરંદરે સ્ટેડિયમમાં એક પ્રવચનમાં કહ્યું હતું, 'એક વાર મેં 'કેસરી' માટે જાહરખબર મોકલી. સાથે રૂ.૩નો મનીઑર્ડર પણ મોકલ્યો. પણ જગ્યાના અભાવનું કારણ આપીને મારી જાહેરખબર પાછી મોકલી આપવામાં આવી. 'ટાઇમ્સ ઑફ ઇન્ડિયા'ને ફોન કર્યો ત્યારે તેમને એવું લાગ્યું, જાણે બૂમબરાડા પાડતો કોઇ ભીખારી તેમની સાથે વાત કરતો હોય. તેમણે કશો પ્રતિભાવ ન આપ્યો.' ('થૉટ્‌સ એન્ડ ફિલોસોફી ઑફ ડૉ.બી.આર.આંબેડકર'- સી.ડી.નાઇક, પાનું ૧૩૩)

આમ, 'લોકમાન્ય' ટિળક અને ડૉ.આંબેડકર જ્ઞાતિસંઘર્ષના બે અંતિમો પર ઊભા હતા. ટિળકનું અવસાન થયું ત્યારે આંબેડકર લંડનમાં હતા. ટિળકના મૃત્યુનાં સાત વર્ષ પછી તેમણે લખ્યું હતું,  ''ટિળક જેવી એકાદ વ્યક્તિએ બહિષ્કૃત સમાજમાં જન્મ લીધો હોત અને બ્રિટિશ રાજના સમયમાં આવેલા પલટાનો લાભ લઇને તેમણે એવું જ ઊચ્ચ શિક્ષણ મેળવ્યું હોત તો, 'સ્વરાજ્ય મારો જન્મસિદ્ધ અધિકાર છે' એવી ગર્જના કરવાને બદલે તેમણે 'અસ્પૃશ્યતા નાબૂદ કરવી એ મારું કર્તવ્ય છે' એમ કહ્યું હોત.'' ('બહિષ્કૃત ભારત', ૨૯-૭-૧૯૨૭. સંદર્ભ : ધનંજય કીર)

સમાજ સમતા સંઘના સાથીદારો
સાથે ડો.આંબેડકર/ Dr.Ambedkar
ડૉ.આંબેડકરની આ કલ્પનામાં થોડો આશાવાદ અને થોડો ટિળકયુગ પછીના ગાંધીયુગ માટેનો નીચો અભિપ્રાય પણ કારણભૂત હશે. બાકી, 'લોકમાન્ય'ના પુત્ર શ્રીધરપંત ઉર્ફે બાપુરાવે ક્યાં બહિષ્કૃત સમાજમાં જન્મ લીધો હતો? તેમ છતાં, અસ્પૃશ્યતા સામેની ઝુંબેશમાં તે પૂરા જુસ્સાથી જોડાઇ ગયા હતા. લોકમાન્ય ટિળકે અંગ્રેજી રાજ સામે રાષ્ટ્રિય ભાવના જાગ્રત કરવા માટે ગણેશોત્સવની ઉજવણી શરૂ કરાવી. પરંતુ શ્રીધરપંત ટિળકે ૧૯૨૭ના ગણેશોત્સવમાં અસ્પૃશ્યોનો શ્રીકૃષ્ણ મેળાનો કાર્યક્રમ પૂણેના ગાયકવાડ વાડામાં રાખ્યો. અસ્પૃશ્યો નક્કી કરેલા સ્થળે પ્રવેશ્યા ત્યારે ભારે ધક્કામુક્કી થઇ હતી અને શ્રીધરપંતનો ઉગ્ર વિરોધ થયો હતો. પરંતુ તેમણે ધીરજ ન ખોઇ. તેમની આવી લાગણીના પ્રતિઘોષ તરીકે પૂણેના દલિતોએ એક સભા ભરીને શ્રીધરપંતનું સન્માન કર્યું હતું.

ડૉ.આંબેડકરે ૧૯૨૭માં 'સમાજ સમતા સંઘ'ની સ્થાપના કરી, તો બીજા જ વર્ષે શ્રીધરપંતે પોતાના ઘરમાં એ સંસ્થાની શાખા શરૂ કરી. તેની પહેલી બેઠકમાં ભાગ લેવા માટે પૂના ગયેલા ડૉ.આંબેડકરે ઊંડી લાગણી સાથે કહ્યું હતું, ''એમાં કોઇ શંકા નથી કે શ્રીધરપંતે (સમાજ સમતા) સંઘને સ્થાન આપીને અને સમાનતાના સિદ્ધાંતને ટેકો આપીને ભારે સાહસનું કામ કર્યું છે. જો આ ફરજ યોગ્ય રીતે અને સતત અદા થઇ શકશે, તો લોકો કહેશે કે તેમણે તેમના પિતા કરતાં હજાર ગણું વધારે મહત્ત્વનું કામ કર્યું છે. લોકમાન્ય ટિળકના ઘરમાં રહીને તેમની ટીકા કરવાનો મારો કોઇ ઇરાદો નથી. રાજકીય ક્ષેત્રમાં તેમણે દર્શાવેલી હિંમત વિશે સૌ સંમત થશે. પણ સામાજિક બાબતોમાં તેમણે પોતાની જવાબદારી અદા કરી નહીં, તેમાં કોઇ શંકા નથી.'

શ્રીધરપંત ઉર્ફે બાપુરાવ ટિળકની દુર્લભ તસવીર
Rare photo of Shridhar Pant aka Bapurao Tlak

ફેબ્રુઆરી, ૧૯૨૮માં શ્રીધરપંતનું પુસ્તક 'માઝા વ્યાસંગ' પ્રગટ થયું. તેની પ્રસ્તાવનામાં તેમણે લખ્યું હતું, 'હવે મારાથી વિશેષ સાહિત્યસેવા થશે એવી ઉમેદ રાખવી વ્યર્થ છે...બાકી રહેલું આયુષ્ય કઇ ઘડીએ પૂરું થઇ જશે...' તેમના જીવનમાં એક દુઃખ કોર્ટ-કચેરીનું હતું. 'કેસરી'નાં ટ્રસ્ટનો વિવાદ હતો. તેમના બે બનેવી (લોકમાન્ય ટિળકના જમાઇ) તેમની સામે પડ્યા હતા. એક તરફ સમાજસુધારાનો સંઘર્ષ અને બીજી તરફ કોર્ટકાર્યવાહીનો ત્રાસ, આ બન્નેથી કંટાળીને  આત્મહત્યા કરતાં પહેલાં તેમણે પૂનાના કલેક્ટરને લખ્યું હતું, 'હું વકીલો ને અદાલતોનો શિકાર થવા જન્મ્યો ન હતો. અદાલતોનું વાતાવરણ મને ગુંગળાવે છે. હું સ્વતંત્રતા ચાહું છું ને મારો આત્મા આઝાદી ઝંખે છે. આત્મહત્યાથી તે મુક્ત બની જશે.' (મૂળ લખાણ અંગ્રેજીમાં)

શુક્રવાર, તા.૨૫ મે, ૧૯૨૮ની સાંજે, ૩૨ વર્ષની વયે શ્રીધરપંતે ભાબુર્ડા (પૂના) પાસે ટ્રેન નીચે પડતું મૂકીને આત્મહત્યા કરી. એ જ દિવસે, આપઘાતના થોડા કલાક પહેલાં જીવનનો છેલ્લો પત્ર તેમણે ડૉ.આંબેડકરને લખ્યો. અત્યંત સુઘડ, મરોડદાર અક્ષરે મરાઠીમાં લખાયેલો એ પત્ર અહીં આપ્યો છે. (મૂળ લખાણ વાંચવા માટે ફોટો પર ક્લિક કરો)
આત્મહત્યા કરતાં પહેલાં શ્રીધરપંત ટિળકે ડો.આંબેડકરને
લખેલો છેલ્લો પત્ર : એક દુર્લભ દસ્તાવેજ
 Shridhar Pant Tilak's departing letter to Dr.Ambedkar 

પત્રમાં શ્રીધરપંતે 'ક.સા.ન.વિ.વિ.' ('કળવણે સાદર નમસ્કાર વિનંતી વિશેષ'- સાદર નમસ્કાર સાથે વિશેષ વિનંતી પાઠવું છું કે) એવી લાક્ષણિક મરાઠી શરૂઆત પછી લખ્યું હતું,

'આ પત્ર તમારા હાથમાં આવશે તે પહેલાં હું આ લોકને છોડી ગયો છું, એવી વાત મોટે ભાગે તમારા કાને પડી ગઇ હશે. તમારા સમાજ સમતા સંઘના કામને સરસ રીતે આગળ વધારવા માટે, વઘુ ને વઘુ પ્રમાણમાં સુશિક્ષિત અને સુધારાવાદી યુવાનોનું લક્ષ્ય આ ચળવળ તરફ જાય તે જરૂરી છે. તમે અહર્નિશ આ કામ કરો જ છો એનો મને સંતોષ છે. તમારા આ પ્રયત્નોને પરમેશ્વર યશ આપશે એવી પણ મને ખાતરી લાગે છે. મહારાષ્ટ્રના યુવાનો નિશ્ચય કરે તો  અસ્પૃશ્યતાનિવારણનો પ્રશ્ન પાંચ જ વર્ષમાં ઉકલી જાય. મારા બહિષ્કૃત બંઘુઓની તકલીફોની કથની ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણના ચરણોમાં પ્રત્યક્ષ મૂકવા માટે હું આગળ જાઉં છું. મિત્રમંડળને મારા સપ્રેમ નમસ્કાર. આપણી વચ્ચે આવો ભાવ રહે એવી જ વિનંતી.'

લોકમાન્ય ટિળકે માર્ચ, ૧૯૧૮માં મુંબઇમાં ભરાયેલી એક સભામાં અસ્પૃશ્યતાનો અંત આણવાની વાત કરી હતી, પરંતુ પોતે તેના અમલની પ્રતિજ્ઞા પર સહી કરી નહીં. એ જ પિતાનો પુત્ર પોતાના છેલ્લા પત્રમાં 'બહિષ્કૃત બંઘુઓની તકલીફોની કથની ભગવાન શ્રીકૃષ્ણનાં ચરણોમાં' રૂબરૂ મૂકવાની વાત ડૉ.આંબેડકરને લખે, એ ઘટના સમાનતાના સંઘર્ષમાં નાની પણ નોંધપાત્ર ગણવી રહી.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Muslim population

मुस्लिम पोपुलेशन- --जब तक मुस्लिमों की जनसंख्या किसी देश/प्रदेश/क्षेत्र में लगभग 2% के आसपास होती है, तब वे एकदम शांतिप्रिय, कानूनपसन्द अल्पसंख्यक बनकर रहते हैं और किसी को विशेष शिकायत का मौका नहीं देते, जैसे -

अमेरिका – मुस्लिम 0.6%

ऑस्ट्रेलिया – मुस्लिम 1.5%

कनाडा – मुस्लिम 1.9%

चीन – मुस्लिम 1.8%

इटली – मुस्लिम 1.5%

नॉर्वे – मुस्लिम 1.8%

जब मुस्लिम जनसंख्या 2% से 5% के बीच तक पहुँच जाती है, तब वे अन्य धर्मावलम्बियों में अपना "धर्मप्रचार" शुरु कर देते हैं, जिनमें अक्सर समाज का निचला तबका और अन्य धर्मों से असंतुष्ट हुए लोग होते हैं, जैसे कि –

डेनमार्क – मुस्लिम 2%

जर्मनी – मुस्लिम 3.7%

ब्रिटेन – मुस्लिम 2.7%

स्पेन – मुस्लिम 4%

थाईलैण्ड – मुस्लिम 4.6%

मुस्लिम जनसंख्या के 5% से ऊपर हो जाने पर वे अपने अनुपात के हिसाब से अन्य धर्मावलम्बियों पर दबाव बढ़ाने लगते हैं और अपना "प्रभाव" जमाने की कोशिश करने लगते हैं। उदाहरण के लिये वे सरकारों और शॉपिंग मॉल पर "हलाल" का माँस रखने का दबाव बनाने लगते हैं, वे कहते हैं कि "हलाल" का माँस न खाने से उनकी धार्मिक मान्यतायें प्रभावित होती हैं। इस कदम से कई पश्चिमी देशों में "खाद्य वस्तुओं" के बाजार में मुस्लिमों की तगड़ी पैठ बनी। उन्होंने कई देशों के सुपरमार्केट के मालिकों को दबाव डालकर अपने यहाँ "हलाल" का माँस रखने को बाध्य किया। दुकानदार भी "धंधे" को देखते हुए उनका कहा मान लेता है (अधिक जनसंख्या होने का "फ़ैक्टर" यहाँ से मजबूत होना शुरु हो जाता है), ऐसा जिन देशों में हो चुका वह हैं –

फ़्रांस – मुस्लिम 8%

फ़िलीपीन्स – मुस्लिम 6%

स्वीडन – मुस्लिम 5.5%

स्विटजरलैण्ड – मुस्लिम 5.3%

नीडरलैण्ड – मुस्लिम 5.8%

त्रिनिदाद और टोबैगो – मुस्लिम 6%

इस बिन्दु पर आकर "मुस्लिम" सरकारों पर यह दबाव बनाने लगते हैं कि उन्हें उनके "क्षेत्रों" में शरीयत कानून (इस्लामिक कानून) के मुताबिक चलने दिया जाये (क्योंकि उनका अन्तिम लक्ष्य तो यही है कि समूचा विश्व "शरीयत" कानून के हिसाब से चले)। जब मुस्लिम जनसंख्या 10% से अधिक हो जाती है तब वे उस देश/प्रदेश/राज्य/क्षेत्र विशेष में कानून-व्यवस्था के लिये परेशानी पैदा करना शुरु कर देते हैं, शिकायतें करना शुरु कर देते हैं, उनकी "आर्थिक परिस्थिति" का रोना लेकर बैठ जाते हैं, छोटी-छोटी बातों को सहिष्णुता से लेने की बजाय दंगे, तोड़फ़ोड़ आदि पर उतर आते हैं, चाहे वह फ़्रांस के दंगे हों, डेनमार्क का कार्टून विवाद हो, या फ़िर एम्स्टर्डम में कारों का जलाना हो, हरेक विवाद को समझबूझ, बातचीत से खत्म करने की बजाय खामख्वाह और गहरा किया जाता है, जैसे कि –

गुयाना – मुस्लिम 10%

इसराइल – मुस्लिम 16%

केन्या – मुस्लिम 11%

रूस – मुस्लिम 15% (चेचन्या – मुस्लिम आबादी 70%)

जब मुस्लिम जनसंख्या 20% से ऊपर हो जाती है तब विभिन्न "सैनिक शाखायें" जेहाद के नारे लगाने लगती हैं, असहिष्णुता और धार्मिक हत्याओं का दौर शुरु हो जाता है, जैसे-

इथियोपिया – मुस्लिम 32.8%

भारत – मुस्लिम 22%

मुस्लिम जनसंख्या के 40% के स्तर से ऊपर पहुँच जाने पर बड़ी संख्या में सामूहिक हत्याऐं, आतंकवादी कार्रवाईयाँ आदि चलने लगते हैं, जैसे –

बोस्निया – मुस्लिम 40%

चाड – मुस्लिम 54.2%

लेबनान – मुस्लिम 59%

जब मुस्लिम जनसंख्या 60% से ऊपर हो जाती है तब अन्य धर्मावलंबियों का "जातीय सफ़ाया" शुरु किया जाता है (उदाहरण भारत का कश्मीर), जबरिया मुस्लिम बनाना, अन्य धर्मों के धार्मिक स्थल तोड़ना, जजिया जैसा कोई अन्य कर वसूलना आदि किया जाता है, जैसे –

अल्बानिया – मुस्लिम 70%

मलेशिया – मुस्लिम 62%

कतर – मुस्लिम 78%

सूडान – मुस्लिम 75%

जनसंख्या के 80% से ऊपर हो जाने के बाद तो सत्ता/शासन प्रायोजित जातीय सफ़ाई की जाती है, अन्य धर्मों के अल्पसंख्यकों को उनके मूल नागरिक अधिकारों से भी वंचित कर दिया जाता है, सभी प्रकार के हथकण्डे/हथियार अपनाकर जनसंख्या को 100% तक ले जाने का लक्ष्य रखा जाता है, जैसे –

बांग्लादेश – मुस्लिम 83%

मिस्त्र – मुस्लिम 90%

गाज़ा पट्टी – मुस्लिम 98%

ईरान – मुस्लिम 98%

ईराक – मुस्लिम 97%

जोर्डन – मुस्लिम 93%

मोरक्को – मुस्लिम 98%

पाकिस्तान – मुस्लिम 97%

सीरिया – मुस्लिम 90%

संयुक्त अरब अमीरात – मुस्लिम 96%

बनती कोशिश पूरी 100% जनसंख्या मुस्लिम बन जाने, यानी कि दार-ए-स्सलाम होने की स्थिति में वहाँ सिर्फ़ मदरसे होते हैं और सिर्फ़ कुरान पढ़ाई जाती है और उसे ही अन्तिम सत्य माना जाता है, जैसे –

अफ़गानिस्तान – मुस्लिम 100%

सऊदी अरब – मुस्लिम 100%

सोमालिया – मुस्लिम 100%a

यमन – मुस्लिम 100%

आज की स्थिति में मुस्लिमों की जनसंख्या समूचे विश्व की जनसंख्या का 22-24% है, लेकिन ईसाईयों, हिन्दुओं और यहूदियों के मुकाबले उनकी जन्मदर को देखते हुए कहा जा सकता है कि इस शताब्दी के अन्त से पहले ही मुस्लिम जनसंख्या विश्व की 50% हो जायेगी (यदि तब तक धरती बची तो)… भारत में कुल मुस्लिम जनसंख्या 15% के आसपास मानी जाती है, जबकि हकीकत यह है कि उत्तरप्रदेश, बिहार, पश्चिम बंगाल और केरल के कई जिलों में यह आँकड़ा 60 से 80% तक पहुँच चुका है… अब देश में आगे चलकर क्या परिस्थितियाँ बनेंगी यह कोई भी ("सेकुलरों" को छोड़कर) आसानी से सोच-समझ सकता है…

(सभी सन्दर्भ और आँकड़े : डॉ पीटर हैमण्ड की पुस्तक "स्लेवरी, टेररिज़्म एण्ड इस्लाम – द हिस्टोरिकल रूट्स एण्ड कण्टेम्पररी थ्रेट तथा लियोन यूरिस – "द हज", से साभार)

भारतमाता की कुछ सेवा करना चाहते हैं तो अधिक से अधिक लोगों को ये मैसेज फॉरवर्ड कीजिये

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Samvad 1 November 2014

Samvad Kartik Shukla 9, Vik. Samvat 2071. Yugabda 5116: November 1, 2014

1. FESTIVALS: Dhanu Sankranti 



















20.  SHRI VISHWA NIKETAN: Pravas; Visitors



1. FESTIVALS: Dhanu Sankranti is the sankranti (transmigration of sun from one rashi – constellation to another) related to Dhanu rashi and occurs on 16th December.

It is celebrated as Dhanu Yatra - a colourful festival related to Bhagwan Krishna's visit to Mathura,  at Bargarh, Odisha. Different acts of puranic descriptions are performed at specific locations and the spectators move from place to place with the action to follow the performance. During this festival the Bhagwan Krishna is offered sweetened rice flakes which are specially prepared in a Conical shape.

Dhanu is also name of the month in the Malayalam Calendar. Women celebrate Thiruvathira in this month. Thiruvathira is supposed to be the birthday of Bhagwan Shiva. Married women and girls do 'upavasa' (fasting) on that day, and sing and dance. Girls pray to Lord Shiva to get a good husband while married women pray for the longevity of their husbands. -- Go Top


2.  1.6 LAKH SEVA PROJECTS RUN BY RSS: "Seva – Service is an integral part of sangh work and it was natural that sangh workers came forward to help fllod affected people in Jammu and Kasmir" said RSS sarkaryavaha Bhayya ji Joshi at the press meet on 20th October at Lucknow where a 3-day meeting of its Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari mandal was held. He added that over 1.6 lakh service projects are being run by swayamsevaks all over the country in rural, tribal and urban slum areas. Replying to a question on the issue of Ram mandir, he said, "Ram Temple exists in Ayodhya and people worship there daily. The only issue is to make it a grand temple. As the matter is in the Supreme Court, hence, the Centre should try to remove the hurdle and fulfil the promise made to the people during the elections," He claimed that more than 1.25 lakh youth have joined the organisation last year.  -- Go Top


3. BHARAT LAUNCHES THIRD NAVIGATION SATELLITE: Bharat's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C26) lifted off with aplomb from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota at 1.32 a.m. on 16th October and precisely put the Bharatiya navigation satellite, IRNSS-1C into its perfect, pre-designated orbit. This was the 28th successful launch of the Indian Space Research Organisation.

The IRNSS-1C, the third of the seven navigation satellites in the Indian Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), has wide-ranging applications in terrestrial, aerial and marine navigation. From vehicle tracking to fleet management and from disaster management to mapping, the satellite extends services to its clients.

The IRNSS-C1 carried two types of payloads, one for transmitting navigation service signals to the users and another consisting of a C-band transponder to facilitate Cube Retro Reflectors for laser ranging.

The first two satellites in the series, IRNSS 1A and IRNSS 1B were launched from Sriharikota on July 1 2013 and April 4 this year respectively.  -- Go Top


4. NANAJI BROUGHT INTEGRAL HUMANISM IN ACTION:  "Nanaji's thinking was out of box, he always tried to do something extra, beyond his given responsibility. Whatever he did he did with some value addition. He always insisted on 'self-sufficiency' approach. Optimum utilisation of local resources was the basis of his vision. He perfectly blended universal science with local technologies," said Prime Minister Narendra Modi while releasing a book on Nanaji Deshmukh in New Delhi on October 11, the 98th birth anniversary of Nanaji.

RSS Sahsarkaryavah Shri Dattatreya Hosabale, veteran Sangh Pracharak Shri Madan Das, DRI president Shri Virendrajeet Singh and general secretary of DRI Shri Bharat Pathak also shared the dais. Many distinguished personalities including RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi, former deputy Prime Minister Shri LK Advani, Governor of Guajrat Prof. Omprakash Kohli, etc were present at the jam-packed Vigyan Bhavan.

Speaking on the occasion Dattatreya Hosabale said, Nanaji brought 'Integral Humanism' propounded by Deendayalji in action. "When people are looking for models of development on Bharatiya values the one created by Nanaji are the living examples.   -- Go Top


5. BHARATIYAS CELEBRATE DESI FESTIVALS IN DENMARK: Vijayadashmi was celebrated by Bharatiyas in Copenhagen on September 28 in a traditional way, thanks to the efforts put in by members of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS)-Denmark. The most interesting part of these celebrations was the play: Ramleela. Done with very few props, the characters were able to convey Lord Rama's story to the audience.

"The programme was designed for all age groups and involved a drawing contest based on Ramayana characters and a discussion on the main characters of Ramayana. There were 15 people in the play and we spent more than four weekends preparing for it," said Hemant Dubey, one of the active members of HSS-Denmark.

Dattatreya Hosabale, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's joint general secretary, had travelled to Copenhagen from Bharat to attend the Vijayadashmi celebrations. "He spoke on the significance of Vijayadashmi as well as key learnings from Ramayana for an hour, before ending it with a moral for the children. 

Apart from this event, many other events were also organized by different Bharatiya communities. Bharatiya Mandir in Copenhagen organised Ravana Dahan, where a small effigy of Ravana was burnt to ashes. The Gujarati community played Garba at another event on September 27. The Bengalis organised Durga Puja on a grand scale. On October 4, the newly formed Telangana Association of Denmark also celebrated Dasara and Telangana state's biggest festival, Bathukamma.   -- Go Top 



The 1000th year of coronation of renowned King Rajendra I of the famous Chola Dynasty of Bharat is a matter of great pride and inspiration to all of us. Crowned in 10I4 CE, King Rajendra I had his rule extending not only from the banks of river Ganga to the whole of Southern Bharat but also up-to Sri Lanka, Lakshadweep, Maldives, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. By virtue of his well managed administration and a well organized military, trade, commerce, art, culture, architecture and sculpture flourished under his reign in this entire region.

Literature and pursuit of knowledge also flourished in his times and several books and volumes were written, both in Sanskrit and Tamil. During his rule, several grand temples and Stupas were constructed in Bharat, Sri Lanka and South East Asia which stand testimony to our living cultural heritage. It is testified from his Charter comprising 21 Copper Inscriptions with his royal insignia written in both Sanskrit and Tamil and paying obeisance at the very beginning to Lord Vishnu which are kept by Leiden University of Netherlands.

At the time of Mahmud Ghazni's attack on our north-western frontier and the turmoil of Euro-Arab conflict, King Rajendra I provided stable rule to ensure peace, prosperity and unhindered trade in the entire South East Asian Region to Bharatiyas, especially Tamil traders and their trade associations. He also established diplomatic Mission in China to promote trade.

He also set up a University for study of Vedas and other disciplines at Ennayirum. Besides ensuring political stability, in order to promote cultural unity and emotional integrity he sent his General Aryan Rajrajan to bring holy water of Ganga, ceremonially received it, mixed it with Kaveri waters and built a grand lake due to which he came to be known as  Gangai Konda Cholan  [i.e. Chola who brought Ganga].

Remembering such glorious period of our history will be inspirational to the people in the work for national resurgence. All the people of Bharat including Swyamasevaks are called upon to remind Bharat and the world about the achievement of the Chola king Rajendra for providing benign rule with all round progress in such a vast area and to ensure their support as well as participation in all the events related to this incidence.

(Statement by RSS sarkaryavaha Bhayya ji Joshi on the eve of meeting of  ABKM at Lucknow )  -- Go Top


7. DUBAI-BASED BHARATIYA-ORIGIN EYE SURGEON HONOURED IN LONDON: Dr. Vinod Gauba, Dubai-based Bharatiya-origin doctor has been conferred the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman for his contributions to healthcare. Dr. Gauba, 36, who has worked with the less fortunate and visually impaired, was presented with the award earlier this month by Baroness Verma at the House of Lords in London. He was awarded for his pioneering role in the field of ophthalmology.

 'Mahatma Gandhi Pravasi Samman' is presented to 20 recipients selected from over 30 million Non-Resident Indians or people of Indian origin for exceptional achievements in various fields.

"With Dubai fast becoming the Middle Eastern healthcare hub, we are proud to possess a premier level of expertise and technology in the UAE, attracting patients not only from the region but from all across the globe," Gauba said. He is based at Dubai Healthcare City, a multi-specialty surgery centre for providing specialized eye care.  -- Go Top


8. STATE DEPARTMENT CELEBRATES DIWALI AS GLOBAL AFFAIR: Bharatiya tapestries, silver lamps, and traditional delicacies adorned the Benjamin Franklin State Dining Room as Secretary John Kerry inaugurated the U.S. Department of State's annual Diwali celebration. He lit a diya while a Hindu priest from the Sri Shiva Vishnu Temple (SSVT) of Maryland sang Vedic hymns amidst hundreds of well-wishers, including senior administration officials, Ambassadors, and community leaders. "As we celebrate Diwali this evening, we also hail the accomplishments of the many hundreds of thousands of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, and Jain Americans who live now all across our country in every community," said Secretary Kerry. "And we honor their faith and their traditions, and the indispensable contributions that they make every single day to our prosperity, to our freedom, and to our culture - to this new chapter of American history that they are helping to write." Kerry was joined on stage by Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Ambassador of Bharat, who highlighted the joyous festivities taking place around the world.

On 20th October 2014, Prime Minister David Cameron warmly welcomed British Hindu community leaders and sevaks to his residence at 10 Downing Street, with the blessing "Shubh Diwali".  At the annual Downing Street Diwali celebration, he spoke of the valuable contribution of the British Hindu community to British life, in terms of the four purusharthas (human purposes) and he spoke of the vital contribution that the Hindu philosophy of reverence for Light, encapsulated in the Diwali celebrations, had for all people of all faiths and he wished the British Hindu community prosperity and happiness.  -- Go Top


9.  BHARAT TO BUILD 1800-KM HIGHWAY ALONG CHINA BORDER IN ARUNACHAL: To counter China, Bharat is all set to embark on an ambitious road project along the McMahon Line in Arunachal Pradesh. The proposed Indo-China frontier highway  will run parallel along the China border and will be 1,800 km long.

The proposed highway will pass through Tawang, East Kameng, Upper Subansiri, West Siang, Upper Siang, Dibang Valley, Hawai and Vijaynagar in the bordering areas. The Government has already relaxed environmental clearances for border area projects. " The construction of the road will be a huge challenge considering the rough and hostile terrain, mostly snow-fed, through which it would pass, and will be the biggest single infrastructure project in the history of Bharat with an estimated cost of over Rs 40,000 crore," Rijiju said in Itanagar.  -- Go Top


10.  BHARAT IGNORES CHINA'S FROWN, OFFERS DEFENCE BOOST TO VIETNAM: Bharat took a decisive step towards countering China's assertive poweron 28th October by committing to help Vietnam's defence modernization, a move that will resonate unpleasantly in Beijing.

After his meeting with visiting Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Bharatiya PM Narendra Modi said , "Our defence cooperation with Vietnam is among our most important ones. India  remains committed to the modernization of Vietnam's defence and security forces. This will include expansion of our training programme, which is already very substantial, joint-exercises and cooperation in defence equipment. We will quickly operationalise the $100 million line of credit that will enable Vietnam acquire new naval vessels from India."

For the first time, Bharat sent clear signals that it may be willing to sell the Brahmos short range cruise missiles to Vietnam, a long-standing demand by Hanoi. The previous Bharatiya government was a little hesitant, citing reservations by Russia (which is a co-developer).  -- Go Top


11. MASSIVE RELIEF AND RESCUE OPERATION BY SWAYAMSEVAKS IN CYCLONE HIT AP: The cyclone Hudhud severely hit three districts of Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam. Although, the north-east monsoon affects every year the coastal areas of Bay of Bengal during October-November, this year the devastation is huge. Visakhapatnam is the worst hit city.

RSS swayamsevaks started relief and rescue operation on October 12 itself by cutting the trees fallen across the streets and clearing the garbage to facilitate the movement of people and the vehicles. RSS with its several associated organisations like Jana Samkshema Samithi, Sewa Bharati, ABVP, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bharatiya Vidya Kendram Educational institutions, etc, plunged into service activities from the moment they could came out of their houses.

BVK College became the centre of activity for receiving the material and disbursing to several destinations. Nearly 1,000 volunteers were engaged in the 24 hours run activity. More than one lakh water packets, 25,000 milk packets, several packets of food, bread and biscuits had been distributed in nearly 50 localities far and near in the city. Similar supplies were sent to villages of the district including the coastal fishermen villages. Several dignitaries like Minister Shri Ravella Kishore Babu, Shri Manikyala Rao, Sri Vishnu Kumar Raju MLA, Dr K Hari Babu MP, RDO and others visited the affected areas.   -- Go Top     


12.  RSS VOLUNTEERS CLEAN MOSQUE IN CYCLONE AFFECTED VISAKHAPATNAM: Volunteers of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) cleaned mosques in Visakhapatnam, after cyclone Hudhud left behind a trail of destruction when it hit the region last week.

Coordinator of Visakhapatnam region of RSS, Ram Bahadur, said that the political leaders in the country had created a wrong perception that RSS is against Muslims and Christians.

The volunteers were seen using electric saws to cut trees that were fallen inside the mosque complex. They were also cleaning the floors and removing broken glasses that were scattered everywhere. A volunteer of RSS, Kurmit Kaur, said they were merely being human.  -- Go Top


13.  WIDOWS PERFORM LAKSHMI PUJA AT KUDROLI TEMPLE: A large number of widows were allowed on 22nd October to perform Lakshmi Pooja (workship) on the occasion of Deepavali in the Kudroli Sri Gokarnanatheshwara Temple – established in the city by social reformer Narayana Guru and renovated by Senior Congress Leader B. Janardhana Poojary. Allowing widows to do the pooja is among a string of measures taken by the temple aimed at social reformation. The temple has, earlier appointed widows, a couple of them from Dalit communities, as priests.

Around 2,000 widows from Mangalore and other parts of the state participated in the programme. They were brought into the temple in a procession accompanied by beating of drums and other musical instruments.

Indira, Lakshmi and Chandravati, the three priests at the temple, performed Lakshmi Pooja that was witnessed by the large number of widows gathered in the temple. After the pooja, widows were allowed to perform 'Aarati'. The women priests sat along with idols of presiding deity on the silver chariot that was taken around sanctum sactorum by these women three times.

This is not the first time widows have been involved in the rituals. The temple believes in "One caste one religion one god" philosophy advocated by Narayana Guru. Three years ago a large number of widows performed Chandika Homa and poojas of Nava Durga idols during the Navaratri.  -- Go Top


14. BHAGINI NIVEDITA SEWA NYAS DONATES RICKSHAWS TO PAK HINDUS: Bhagini Nivedita Sewa Nyas Delhi, on 11th October provided cycle rickshaws and other basic necessary things to the Hindus who came from Pakistan. Apart from it, 25 families who came recently from Pakistan were provided with various household things like clothes, mattress, etc. Speaking on the occasion, general secretary of the Nyas Shri Mahavir Prasad Gupta assured the Hindus coming from Pakistan every possible help till they are granted citizenship in Bharat. He also applauded the support of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bharat Vikas Parishad and many other organisations which have been helping the Nyas in this endeavour.  -- Go Top


15.   MALAYSIAN HINDUS CALL TO SAVE CENTURY-OLD VIVEKANANDA ASHRAM: An organization of Hindus in Malaysia Hindraf recently urged the National Heritage Department of Malaysian Government to take immediate steps to protect the Swami Vivekananda Ashram at Jalan Tun Sambanthan, in Brickfields.

The century-old ashram has been earmarked for major redevelopment that will see a 23-storey residential tower with 264 units and an eight-storey car park built at the site. "Hindraf strongly urge the National Heritage Department steps in to object on the proposed development to protect and preserve this cultural heritage as part of the rich Malaysian heritage," said its chief P. Waytha Moorthy.

The statue and the ashram were built by the Jaffna Tamil immigrants in 1904 in honour of Swami Vivekananda, who visited Malaya in 1893.  -- Go Top


16. BHARATIYA ARMY'S EASTERN COMMAND TURNS 94: Army's biggest operational command - the Eastern Command - responsible for military operations along the international borders with Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Nepal, turned 94 on 31st Oct.

The Eastern Command will continue to strive for "unparalleled professional competence to ensure the highest standards of operational readiness", Lt. Gen. M.M.S. Rai, general officer commanding-in-chief, said on the occasion at its headquarters at Fort William Kolkata.

The Eastern Command was formed Nov 1, 1920, with its summer headquarters in Nainital and winter headquarters in Lucknow. The command was designated as Eastern Army in April 1942, and its headquarters moved to Barrackpore. The Eastern Command theatre consists of three distinct geographical regions - the mountainous sectors of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh in the north, the jungle-clad hill tracts of Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Meghalaya in the east and the south, and the plains of Assam and Bengal.

Field Marshal S.H.F.J. Manekshaw, who led the Bharatiya Army to victory in 1971 was one of Eastern Command's illustrious commanders. Besides the current army chief, Gen. Dalbir Singh and his predecessors Gen. Bikram Singh and Gen. V.K. Singh, others who have headed the Eastern Command are Gen. P.P. Kumaramanglam, Gen. A.S. Vaidya Gen. V.N. Sharma, all of whom rose to army chief.  -- Go Top


17. NATIONWIDE BLOOD DONATION CAMP OF VHP: 1 LAKH UNITS COLLECTED: In an overwhelming response to nationwide blood donation camp of VHP on 2nd November , thousands of youth donated blood across Bharat, crossing a collection of a total of 100,000 units of blood across the nation. The blood donation drive was organised by VHP and its youth wing Bajarangadal to commemorate the Golden Jubilee year of Vishwa Hindu Parishad.

VHP Chief Dr Pravin Togadia inaugurated VHP blood donation drive at Karolbagh of New Delhi. 'In Karnataka 62 blood donation camps were held in which nearly 6000 units of blood collected', said VHP leader Gopal Nagarakatte.  -- Go Top


18. BHARATIYA COP WINS UN'S   FEMALE PEACEKEEPER AWARD: A Bharatiya police inspector has been named recipient of a prestigious international female peacekeeper award by the UN's police division for her "exceptional achievements" in her duty with the UN mission in Afghanistan.  

Inspector Shakti Devi of the Jammu & Kashmir Police, currently deployed in the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), has been awarded the International Female Police Peacekeeper Award 2014. 

Devi has been honoured for her "exceptional achievements" in leading the establishment of Women Police Councils in several parts of Afghanistan. She has also contributed to the improvement of the status of female police and has effectively helped the police of Afghanistan move towards achieving their goals of fully adopting democratic principles of policing. 

The award was delivered during the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) conference held earlier this month in Winnipeg, Canada.  -- Go Top


19.  BHARAT - BORN SCIENTIST AWARDED WORLD FOOD PRIZE:  Bharat -born Mexican scientist Sanjaya Rajaram has been presented with the prestigious World Food Prize 2014 for his agricultural research that led to a remarkable increase in world wheat production building on the successes of the Green Revolution. "It is a collective achievement, rather than that of a single person," Rajaram told while accepting the award at the Iowa State University in USA. The award "honours the innovative spirit of farmers", he said adding that "without their contributions, my research wouldn't have been possible".

By crossing winter and spring wheat varieties -- which were distinct gene pools that had been isolated from one another for hundreds of years -- he created wheat varieties that are disease- and stress-resistant and adaptable to diverse geographical regions and climates. In 2007, Norman Borlaug called Rajaram "the greatest present-day wheat scientist in the world". Borlaug is known as the father of the Green Revolution.  -- Go Top


20.  SHRI VISHWA NIKETAN: Pravas: Shri Ravikumar, sah samyojak Vishwa Vibhag, is on a tour to Australia. Shyam Parande, secretary Sewa International is on a short tour to Mauritius. Shri Saumitra Gokhale, samyojak Vishwa Vibhag, Dr. Ram Vaidya, sah samyojak & Ravikumar would reach Bharat on the occasion of World Hindu Congress in November. Visitors: Vikram Sharma – USANicola Brown – UK  -- Go Top


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Sandalwood perfumes even the axe that hurls it down! The more we rub sandalwood against a stone, the more its fragrance spreads. Burn it, and it wafts its glory through the entire neighbourhood. Such is the enchanting beauty of forgiveness in life. – Swami Chinmayananda  -- Go Top




Asim Kumar Mitra

I just cannot remember the day. But I can definitely recall that on that day Eknathji (Shri Eknath Ranade) was coming to Kolkata from Chennai by a morning flight. I went to the airport to receive him. We were heading towards Vivekananda Kendra Karyalaya. All of a sudden Eknathji asked me, "What do you think? What should I do now?"

So sudden was the question, I was taken aback. If a giant personality like Eknathji asks such a question to a most junior worker like me what should I say? I had no answer for a moment. Then I thought when Eknathji was assigned the work of Vivekananda Memorial, he was Sarkaryavah of RSS and as a Sangh swayamsevak we have been missing him. So much so, the time before the country (1971 or 1972) was also bad so I said we hardly can afford to miss you any more from the Sangh work.

It was my honest and spontaneous reply. As a seasoned 'karyakarta', Eknathji immediately read my mind and started explaining the situation. By that time the first phase of the work of Vivekananda Memorial work was over and the then President of India VV Giri had inaugurated the grand memorial of Swami Vivekananda. In a way, the job assigned by Shri Guruji to Eknathi was successfully done. Now, puting forward a question to one and all of his acquaintances was obvious. What is the purpose of setting up of a temple? Should it not become a centre of activities to fulfill the ideal of 'Serve people, serve God'?

Answer was there in the question itself. But a junior person like me failed to understand that. Because my mind was swayed by the idea that RSS is doing this job. The idea of comprehensive upliftment of the society is very much there in the fabric of RSS ideology and its work. Why then a separate organisation is at all necessary? Then Eknathji went on at length to give me a piece of his mind. I was not quite convinced. Confusion about this was prevailed in my mind for quite some time. Then I had gone through a report of Eknathji's lecture on this very subject at Bangalore and I was totally convinced by listening his point of view. Let me quote some portions of that lecture. He said:

"Some people ask, 'Could this stone-structure alone be a fitting memorial to that great patriot saint?' To them I may humbly say that I myself have never been much of a believer in merely putting stone upon stone. The real urge in the Committee workers, including me, to work out the present memorial-plan springs forth from their faith and confidence that this granite structure would not only be an abiding source of great inspiration to posterity, but should also provide a nucleus a round which, over a period, great activities which the Swamiji preached and envisaged would spring up.

"Kanyakumari is a place, which may be considered as great symbol of purity and unity. It is a meeting point of three oceans. If the Sangam at Prayag is sacred because of the mingling of the holy waters of the three sacred rivers, this holy spot is a Mahasangam where the waters of the Ganga and Sindhu, Narmada and Goda, Krishna and Kaveri ultimately meet in the form of those three oceans the Gangasagar, the Sindhusagar and Hindu Mahasagar.

The place is, in a way, a meeting point of the East and the West also Standing at the topering end of our country, at Kanyakumari we can notice the disc of the sun rising from the sea in the East and taking a dip in the sea in the West."

"It is again the meeting point of the North and the South. The Goddess Kanya stands there at the southern most tip of our land, with a garland in Her hand to meet Her Lord, Shiva, whose abode is in Kailash, in the regions of the northernmost Himalayas.

"What a unique symbol of unity and purity! I have faith and confidence that the great memorial that is taking shape at that holy spot will, in times to come, generate a powerful current of Swamiji's thought and will envelop the entire country."

This lecture of Eknathji led me to understand him from altogether a different angle. His vision was so clear at the same time so down to earth as people of Bharat were eager to accept without any hesitation and time has proved its perfectibility. I was associated with the construction of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at the very initial stage i.e. from 1963 to 1970. I visited Kanyakumari in the year 1963 as Eknathji wanted me to go there to get first hand experience.

Eknathji used to tell one thing that the idea of setting up of a memorial for Vivekananda would be successful only when mass participation in the construction work was assured. He said, through one-rupee coupons money should be collected so that even a poor man could participate in this Mahayajna. Mrs. Kamal Basu, wife of late Jyoti Basu, former Marxist chief minister of West Bengal, collected more that eleven thousand rupees by selling One-Rupee Coupons and deposited them to Vivekananda Rock Memorial Fund.

Eknathji was a perfectionist. When the question of constructing the bronze statue came he had engaged almost all the famous and renowned sculptors of the country. While engaging them he did not give any undertaking as to whose sculpture would be set up at the memorial temple on the rock. He only said the committee which was assigned to do this work selects the statue to be set up there at the Shilamandir. In Calcutta, he engaged Shri Debi Prasad Roychoudhury who was world famous sculptor and whose sculptures of Gandhiji or Freedom Movement of India were set up there in Calcutta, Delhi, Patna and many other places. Eknathji asked me to regularly visit the house of Shri Roychoudhury to watch the progress of the work and report it to Eknathji. Whenever I went to his house, Shri Rouchoudhury used tell me, "It was a mystery that I had accepted the proposal put forward to me by Eknathji. You know this proposal itself was derogatory for me as it had put me on the same rank of other general sculptors, which I was not. But Shri Ranade must have some kind of spiritual power by which he influenced me." The fact remained that the statue made by him was not put up at the Shilamandir at Kanyakumari. But it was placed somewhere else and in that case Eknathji abided by the condition of contract rules.

Eknathji had faced two almost insurmountable hurdles. Those hurdles were put up by (1) Prof. Humayun Kabir, Central Cultural Affairs minister and (2) Shri Bhaktavatsalam, the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Both were very tough personalities. How Eknathji managed those two guys is an interesting history. Recently, some 4/5 months back at a meeting held at Chhatubabur Rsjbati, retired Justice Shyamal Sen of Calcutta High Court, while mentioning the role of Chpalakanta Bhattacharya, former editor of 'Ananda Bazar Patrika' and Congress MP said Chapalababu was of great help to Shri Eknath Ranade in collecting signatures of Members of Parliament in support of constructing the grand temple of Swami Vivekananda at the rock at Kanyakumari. Eknathji was in Calcutta at that time to organise opposition against the comment of Humayun Kabir as "temple on the Rock would spoil the scenic beauty".

Swami Sambuddhananda was the General Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission at that time. He asked Debu Maharaj who was looking after the press section of the Mission to accompany with Eknathji and help him out in this campaign. The Press of Calcutta had given all out support to the cause of Vivekananda Temple at Kanyakumari.

In Calcutta the sentiment about Swami Vivekananda was tremendous. But the work started by the Vivekananda Rock Memorial at Kanyakumari under the leadership of Shri Eknathji was unknown to them. At the same time Eknathji himself was also not so much acquainted with the prominent personalities of Bengal. Hence he chalked out a unique programme of writing personal letters to all those important personalities regularly apprising them of progress of the work at Kanyakumari.

Apart from this, every time he came to Calcutta he used to meet the chief minister, Mayor of Calcutta, sometimes the Governor of Bengal and the leaders of different political parties and social organizations. Personalities like the great historian Dr. Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, Speaker of state assembly Keshav Chandra Basu, Principal Dr. Amiya Kumar Majumdar, Bharat Maharaj of Belur Math and several other Swamijis of Ramakrishna Mission etc. Before his visit to Calcutta, every time he used to write letters to all those expressing his desire to meet them.

I know these things because as Calcutta Representative Eknathji used to keep me informed by sending copies of those letters to me. I am fortunate enough to get to work with such a visionary as a representative in Kolkata.

(This year is the birth centenary of Eknathji Ranade. The writer is Kolkata based senior journalist)  -- Go Top


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Monday, October 27, 2014

Fwd: FW: Hindi Bhashya from M G Vaidya




बच्चों की शिक्षा और परिवार

 बच्चों की शिक्षा का प्रारंभ उनके परिवार से ही होना चाहिये। इस के लिये माता का बडा महत्त्व है। वीर अभिमन्यू जब अपनी माँ के गर्भ में थातभी उसने भगवान् श्रीकृष्ण से चक्रव्यूह का भेद करने की कला सीख ली थी। इस प्रसंग को कपोलकल्पित समझकर उस पर अविश्‍वास करना योग्य नहीं। नया विज्ञान भी कहता है कि गर्भ पाँच महिनों का होने पर भ्रूण को संवेदना प्राप्त होती हैं। अनेक शिक्षित महिला डॉक्टर गर्भसंस्कार केंद्र चलाते हैं। गर्भवती स्त्री के वाचन काव्यवहारों का तथा संस्कारों का भी परिणाम भ्रूणपर होता है।

 माता का सान्निध्य

मेरी दृष्टि से बच्चों की आयु के छ: वर्ष पूर्ण होने तकउन्होंने अपनी माता के साथ ही रहना चाहिये। मैं प्राथमिक वर्गों के पूर्वशिक्षा देने वाली व्यवस्था से अनुकूल नहीं हूँ। आज शिक्षित महिलाएं नौकरी करती हैं। डेढ-दो साल के बच्चों को एक तो नौकरानी के हाथ सौंपती हैं,या पालनाघर में भेजती हैं। और तीन साल पूरे होते ही उसे स्कूल भेजती हैं। यह पद्धति संस्कारों की दृष्टि से ठीक नहीं है। आखिर शिक्षा का उद्देश्य क्या है। पैसे कमाने की कला सिखाना यह शिक्षा का उद्देश्य नहीं हो सकता। शिक्षा के कारण व्यक्तिसमाज का अच्छाशीलवान्,सभ्य नागरिक बनेयही शिक्षा का सही उद्दिष्ट है। और जिस वातावरण मेंवह संस्कारक्षम अवस्था में रहता हैउस वातावरण का बडा महत्त्व है। ऐसा वातावरण परिवार में ही निर्माण करना सुलभ है। 

एक प्रयोग

बच्चों को अच्छे संस्कार प्राप्त हो इस लिये गर्भवती ने भी अच्छी किताबे पढनी चाहिये। हमने अठरा वर्षों तक अपने घर में चातुर्मास में प्रतिदिन रात को 9 से 10 बज तक अच्छे किताबों के सामूहिक वाचन का कार्यक्रम चलाया था। छोटे से छोटे बच्चों से लेकरघर के सब लोग उस में शामिल हो यह नियम था। अडोस-पडोस के कुछ परिवार भी आते थे। अच्छे विचारों का आप ही आप प्रक्षेपण होता था। इस के सुफल हमने देखे हैं। हर घर में इस प्रकार अपने परिवारजनों के लियेवर्ष में कुछ समय तक यह सामूहिक वाचन का प्रयोग हो। परिवारजनों के ज्ञान की भी वृद्धि होगी और संस्कार भी होंगे। संस्कार का अर्थ अच्छा होना। जैसा है वैसा रहना यह प्रकृति है। पशु प्रकृति से ही चलते हैं। किन्तु मानव संस्कृति-सम्पन्न हो सकता है। इस हेतु संस्कारों का विशेष महत्त्व है। संस्कार यानी वे उपाय हैं जिनसे मनुष्य शीलवान्बलवान्विजिगीषु और देशाभिमानी बन सकता है। ऐसे मनुष्य ही अपने समाज का गौरव बढा सकते है।

 नौकरी का सवाल

कोई सवाल करेगा कि क्या महिलाओं ने नौकरी नहीं करनी चाहिये। मैं कहूँगा कि अवश्य करें। किन्तु छोटे से छोटा बच्चा छ: वर्षों का होने के बाद। अच्छे परिवारों में महिलाओं के नौकरी की आर्थिक दृष्टि से आवश्यकता भी रहती नहीं। शिक्षित होने पर नौकरी करनीही चाहिये यह कौनसी रीत है। महिलाएं निजी व्यवसाय भी कर सकती हैं। ट्यूशन क्लासेस भी चला सकती हैं। आयु की जिस अवस्था में बच्चा अच्छे संस्कार ग्रहण कर सकता हैउस अवस्था में संस्कार देने की व्यवस्था होयह मेरे प्रतिपादन का मतलब है। 

परीक्षा की व्यवस्था

बच्चों को शिक्षा ग्रहण करने का अधिकार होयह बात अब सर्वमान्य हो गयी है। वह ठीक ही है। किन्तु छ: वर्षों का होने के बाद ही वह पाठशाला जाये। आज के जमाने में गुरुकुल की व्यवस्था फिर से नहीं लाई जा सकती। किन्तु जैसा शिक्षा लेने का अधिकार हैवैसाही शिक्षा देने का भी अधिकार हो। शासन के द्वारा परीक्षा लेने की व्यवस्था हो। चार वर्षों के बादतथा 7 वी और 10 वी के पश्‍चात्ऐसी शासन पुरस्कृतकिन्तु स्वत: में स्वायत्त और स्वतंत्र व्यवस्था हो। प्राथमिकपूर्व माध्यमिक और माध्यमिक शिक्षा के स्तर पर यह व्यवस्था बच्चों की परीक्षा लेगी। और उनके आगे बढने का मार्ग प्रशस्त करेगी। 

राष्ट्र के लिये

बच्चा पाठशाला में जाने लगने के पश्‍चात भी अपने घर का वातावरण संस्कारों के अनुकूल रखने का दायित्व माता-पिता का है। ऐसे प्राप्त संस्कार बच्चों को आयु के अठारह वर्ष पूर्ण होने के बाद उन्हे स्वतंत्रता रहे। मुझे विश्‍वास है कि संस्कारक्षम आयु में प्राप्त संस्कारों के कारण वह सभ्यसच्छीलस्वाभिमानीराष्ट्राभिमानी नागरिक के नाते अपने को प्रस्तुत करेगा। जिस से अपना राष्ट्र भी बडा होगा। आखिर राष्ट्र भी क्या होता हैराष्ट्र यानी लोग ही होते हैं। People are the Nation.और जैसे लोग होंगे वैसाही राष्ट्र होगा। लोगों से ही राष्ट्र बनता है। किसी व्यवस्था से नहीं। 

-मा. गो. वैद्य
दि. 13-10-2014



M G Vaidya,


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